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How do you use pickup? I was reading the thread on Earthquake TM, and everyone knows how important that TM is. So I was wondering how pickup actually works.
Do you just run around with a Pickup Pokemon in front spot?
Can I use a repel and still have it work?
Do I need to fight other pokemon to get items?
Where is the Pickup List?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
After a battle (wild Pokemon battle, Trainer battle, anything), if you have a Pokemon with Pickup in your team, it has a 10% chance of picking up an item. The Pokemon can be in any slot of your team, and doesn't even have to battle. A lot of people go around with 5 Zigzagoon and 1 strong Pokemon in the lead spot, and either battle wild Pokemon or rebattle Trainers for money, checking their Pickuppers after each battle.

R/S list: http://www.serebii.net/pokemon_advance/pickup.shtml
Emerald list: http://www.serebii.net/emerald/pickup.shtml

Emerald was the first 3rd-gen game to have level influence what a Pokemon will get through Pickup. In R/S/FR/LG, level isn't a factor, and all Pokemon with the Ability have the same chances of picking up the same items.


It looks like I'm gonna have to keep training my Ziggy then. Shes already at level 50-something and has good moves. :)
Guess what pokemon my Ziggy is! Its not hard ;)


you amaze me.
You don't use it, it just happens randomly...


That is cool, but the page for emerald doesnt tell me what the items are.
It says that if I hover over the items it'll tell me what they are, but it doesnt work.
Is that just me?


Well-Known Member
No, firefox doesnt does that. You have to login from IE, but only things that matters are tms. First is rest, second is focus punch and that last is earthquake


DragonAtreides said:
No, firefox doesnt does that. You have to login from IE, but only things that matters are tms. First is rest, second is focus punch and that last is earthquake

getting extra hold items is also useful... like leftovers or white herbs...
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