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Pictures of your shiny pokemon


Newest Shiny~
Post pics of your shinies here.
NO icons or emultor pics but pics straight of your GBA
This way you canproof you have a shiny pokemon.
Grab your digital camera or webcam and take a pic

Go to:



to upload your picture


EDIT: Please only post when you post a pic
Last edited:


Newest Shiny~
Yeah but that's their own choise.
And it's possible to see if a shiny is hacked


Well-Known Member
Flip. I was just gonna post my pic of my shiny Raikou and i see that i deleted that pic. DAMMIT. Anyway pic coming soon for it


Newest Shiny~
I don't know why I like shiny pics so much


Well-Known Member
Shiny Pokemon arent more Powerful. I dunno where u got that crap from


Well-Known Member
Crap that guy said Beautiful. I thought he said Powerful. Hey thats what no sleep does to u kids


Newest Shiny~
9 messages and no shiny pics yet...


Leave my posts alone
They'll come, don't worry.

If I had a camera on me ATM, then I would.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I have shinies, but in the emulator...oh well.


YOUR best friend
I don't have any pics of MY shinies at the moment, but I might take some later. For now, here's a pic of a shiny Jumpluff my double battle partner once had (just my luck finding tons of shinies in the Battle Frontier): CLICK!


Newest Shiny~
I want pics :(