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Pictures on the Sigs...

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Want a Green World!
Hello... I would like some help about putting Pictures of animated pictures on your signature...

How can i get pictures on?

How come my rank (or whatever) won't let me?

Thanks for helping!

Chain of Memories

Well-Known Member
[*IMG](Picture's link goes here)[*/IMG]

Be sure to remove the *'s, or it won't work. And as far as I know, the ability to post pics doesn't have anything to do with your rank, so don't worry.

Hope I helped!

EDIT: Darn! I got beat to it! Oh, well!


Want a Green World!
Thanks alot for the help :D


Want a Green World!
erm y is it not showing up still ... why has it got a *x* in the box?


Want a Green World!
Yay! i finally did it! thanks to all!
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