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Pidgeot's new ability?!

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Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Okay. I have searched everywhere - Bulbapedia, Wikipedia, Psydex; you name it, and I haven't been able to find out what is Pidgeot's other ability. Serebii dex said it was Air Lock; now it says it's Unstable Gait, like Perap's. WHICH ONE IS IT?!

If it isn't Air Lock (I knew it! Too friggin' good to be true), I'm gonna sue whoever put in that information on Serebii dex. Everyone makes mistakes, but what kind of mistake is that?! AGHHHHH >_<!! *implodes*

For the sake of brain, please just tell me whether it's Air Lock or Unstable Gait. x_x

EDIT: And if this ought to be moved, just friggin' move it and don't ***** me about it. I thought about posting it in the DP games section, but since it's a MISTAKE the dex has or had, I posted it here.
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I think someone had a little too much candy last night. *Reports*


OR something else last night


Proud Father
oh dear.. just.. oh dear

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