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A.R.G.H. Commander
I have a Blue rescue team and in the tiny woods dungeoun(?) it says it wont be recruited even though i have Flyaway Forest? is it not available in the game?


You can do it yourself by using the edit button and deleting it. And I thought the tiny wood thing was weird too.


Well-Known Member
Reason for not being able to recruit in Tiny Woods is most likely because it is a pre-storyline dungeon.


Team NightSpark
I believe, you can't recruit pokemon in Tiny Woods because you arn't a rescue team until you leave that dungeon. Kinda like what lyk13 said.


In Nintendo Exhile
I believe the reason is b/c if you look at when your partner joined, it says that it joined you in Tiny Woods, and so I think it is put that way so that the other Pokemon don't get confused with where and when your partner's appearance was.

Pidgey can be found in Howling forest at I think level 1.


Drifblim landing!
Well you can befriend in all dungeons except Tiny Woods and Purity Forest. The only times you couldn't outside those 2 areas was Thunderwave Cave and Mt. Steel because you had no Friend Areas and when you were a fugitive because Alakazam said they'd destroy anyone with you. Also I believe you can't recruit in Mt. Freeze Summit when you're escorting Gengar but you can in Mt. Freeze itself so maybe you can't recruit at the summit anyway. Pidgeys are in Purity Forest aswell XD

As for Pidgey they're at LV1 in Howling Forest on Floors 12-14. Not worth it when you look at the level. Much better off recruiting a Snorlax because they're rarer, harder to recruit and are Lv25.

Funny how Pidgeys are in dungeons you can't recruit isn't it?


The Southern Cross
I know, I want a Pidgey, and I can't get one even now...;-;
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