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piercey_lad's shop of wounders !!!!!

son of a biscuit

master couch potato
Oh can I have an MD card?

template: #3
team: night sky
rank: diamond
Pokemon: Blaziken, pikachu, dragonair, and charizard


Well-Known Member
trainer card

badges: all hoenn
background: lava/fire
name: gabriel
trainer sprite: team aqua grunt (male)
pokemon: kyogre,groudon,suicune,aruseus,goukazaru,regice



Shiny hunter
Can i have please a TC and a MD card please
On TC can there be
Trainer's name:Dylan
Pokemon:1.Shiny Rayquaza
2.Shiny meutwo
3.Shiny Metagross
Backround:Number 10 please
Boy/girl trainer:Male from Emerald
Badges:Hoean and Battle frontier

and on the MD card:
Rank Lucario
Pokemon:Machamp,Raichu,Salamence & Rayquaza


Well-Known Member
I would like a Mystery Dungeon Team Card:

Template: 1
Team Kyogre (In the top space)
Pokemon: Zapdos (Top Left Space), Mew (Top Right Space), Mewtwo (Bottom Right Space), Deoxys (Bottom Left Space) - You can find the sprites here: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/dungeonsprites.html
Rank: Lucario


Shiny hunter
piercey_lad where is my Tc and Md cards