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Pikachu & Pichu! (P03)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Pikachu & Pichu!

While Ash is preparing a suprise for Pikachu, Pikachu gets lost in the big city only to find some Pichu and their friends. They anger a Houndour and run away from it. Can Pikachu get back in time?

Visit The Movie Guide

This was the cutest of any of the Pikachu mini movies, and I liked how they all worked together at the end to save the big pile of trash used for something.


I thought this was a fun short 'cause I imagined that I was actually there with a friend. During the movie, I followed Pikachu and those Pichu Bros. all around the city.


Yeah I even have to admit this one was cute. I'll even admit Ash planning a party for him and Pikachu cause it's the anniversery of when they first met was really sweet.


Team Awesome
This was a pretty good short, and it's interesting that they had a couple of Pokemon Chronicle shorts based on it since. The pichus were definitely the highlights of the movie, though Meowth was pretty funny too. :) I do like "Pikachu's PikaBoo" and "Gotta Dance" better, but at least this was a step up from the first two shorts.


Well-Known Member
this was my favorite short. i liked the tire fort thing and pikachu working with 2 pichus was fun to watch. 9/10


I liked this until the ending got all mushy. :D but all in all it was pretty good. 7/10.


Nyan nyan nyan nyan
Pretty cute 3/5


Codenumber 242
This was amazing.


Hehe, whenever I see the part where Pikachu and the Pichu Bros land on Houndour, I just imagine them squeaking "EEK!! CHEESE IT!" Lol, so lame, but funny at the same time.

EDIT: Oh, and the part at the beginning where Pichu gives Pikachu a raspberry. I just love how Pikachu gets pwned there. :p
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team work team work team work team work team work team work team work team work pickachu shortcuts..........hm..................zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
oh! i mean yeah i saw the one on pokemon chanel (ther game not u know chanel chanel the game get it lol) and the one in pokemon hereos.

WaterDragon trainer

Freak Like Me
This mini-movie was pretty good. One of the better Pikachu shorts being cuz Pikachu os one of the few electric types I actually like. Good teamwork is always important. It was also good to see Pikachu get back to Ash.


Master Coordinator
didn't reeally like it

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
I don't really like the Pichu bros, but this wasn't too bad.

It was funny when they tried to take on Houdour and ended up knocking themselves out.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought this was a good short. I thought that Pikachu and the Pichu Bros. were cute together. I really liked the teamwork that happened trying to save the fort. I also liked the fact that Ash and Pikachu actually celebrated an anniversary of the day they met.