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pikachus ability


christian 4ever
how come pikachus ability static has never work in battles in the anime


Sprout Aficionado
I don't believe the abilities ever really made much of a jump to the anime, or at least not entirely. I never saw it as being very important.


In the Togetic episode they were talking about wonder guard ability for Shedinja.
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Pikachu's ability does not need to appear all the time. So it's 30% in the games, games =/= anime. We saw it being mentioned...cool...let's move on with the rest of our lives. There's no need to worry about just one ability when the anime has so much to offer.


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
pikachus static? wot about meowths pickup? id b much more interested in seein that ability utilised more

Dark Star

Mysterious Trainer
It was used in a the Ash Vs. Norman Gym Battle. And it was against a Vigoroth.

You should be happy that some abilities are in the anime at all. Most other features from the games aren't in the Anime AT ALL.
some of you people use the "game =/= anime" answer for too many things, its perfectly ok to ask why they havent touched upon abilities more often in the anime as it would make a lot of sense and be interesting to be integrated into the show, so you dont have to put "game =/= anime" in size 30 font.... =/

i would have liked to see much more of the abilites, the only ones i remember ever showing are: overgrow, static, rough skin, wonder guard, swift swim


Well-Known Member
hmm looks like i was right

pikachu used volt tackle on milotic on the "Queen of the Serpentine" ep., making milotic paralyzed

so thats why milotic used facade, because facade powers up when paralyzed