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Pikachu's Adventure

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Diaruga Rocks
One day when Pikachu,Mukurru,Sceptile,Charizard and Aipom were eating Pokeblocks a giant warphole sucked them in to Adventure Island. Meanwhile in Johto the Pichu Brothers were sucked in too but they didn't notice.

Thats the end of the proluge I will update it tomorrow if you don't like it pm me;107; ;munchlax; :172bros: ;025; ;172; :025n172: :025ball: :surfpika: ;386-a; ;493; ;151;


Currently active.
This is most certainly not a prologue. It's barely two sentences, let alone a proper prologue. A proper prologue is at least one page long in Microsoft Word. There is no description at all. This just is basically a statement. The use of smilies in a fic, is highly looked down upon. I highly suggest you read the fic rules, and advice for aspiring authors thread before submitting a bland, tastelss, uninteresting fic. I also highly suggest you use a proper word program, like Microsoft Word, instead of typing two measely sentences in the reply box, and calling it a fic.
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