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Pikachu's Future Baby's Mama

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Well-Known Member
That's right! Now that their a PKMN (Mimiroru) within the trio (Ash, Brock & Hikari) that likes Pikachu alot, both of them might get freaky with each other. Do you guys think Pikachu is going to hit "that" in the future or what?
Of course not! They wouldn't put that in! This wins the award for 'Most n00bush Question of the Year'!
No. It will never happen. Its a show for little children and they won't show something like that o_O


Team Rocket's rockin
That's right! Now that their a PKMN (Mimiroru) within the trio (Ash, Brock & Hikari) that likes Pikachu alot, both of them might get freaky with each other. Do you guys think Pikachu is going to hit "that" in the future or what?
Yeah, 'cause Pikachu's a pimp like that. :rolleyes:


Pachirisu sucks.
Heck no :/

I think you forget this show is for innocent children who dont know about secks yet :x
^Children. Innocent? I don't think so!

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Mods please close.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Oh, come on, guys. I can't be as bad as Harley and Drew behind the scenes.


Mayness Yayness!
I take it none of you read the pokespecial manga? wher reds pika has a baby? so its not that noobish..but no i dont think it'll happen as pika is supposed ti be a like ash's age.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I take it none of you read the pokespecial manga? wher reds pika has a baby? so its not that noobish..

Yes it is, because the manga and the anime are two entirely different things.

but no i dont think it'll happen as pika is supposed ti be a like ash's age.

And where did you get this little nugget of information from?

The anime has always been vague about Pokémon breeding. Heck, every time someone on the show gets a Pokémon egg, they either just find it in the wild or it's given to them by someone else. A children's anime isn't going to depict or even suggest the idea of Pikachu and Mimiroru copulating to produce offspring.

...Wow, I can't believe I actually had to type that sentence.


Emperor Coordinator
This is completely outrageous. Can you not think that this is a show directed towards younger children?


Well-Known Member
This is completely outrageous. Can you not think that this is a show directed towards younger children?
And? In early Kanto James got breasts and a REAL (as real as something drawn can be) gun was used. It sure seems odd that it shouldn't do 'it' again when the shiznitz has already been done TWICE.


Aura Trainer
Animals having babies (most likely off-screen) is innapropiate for kids?

I'm with you. I mean, kids aren't stupid. Most of 'em will know what 'breeding' means.

Anyway... Assuming the kid doesn't have to look like the mother, they could end up with a Pichu that knows Ice Beam or a baby Mimiroll that knows Volt Tackle...
Dreamcoat said:
And? In early Kanto James got breasts and a REAL (as real as something drawn can be) gun was used. It sure seems odd that it shouldn't do 'it' again when the shiznitz has already been done TWICE.
Yeah, that's way those episodes were banned

Alastor DMc

Well-Known Member
It's not completly out of the question. It's possible that Pikachu and Mimiroll will have an egg... but why? We already have Mimiroll on the show, so why create an egg and then have the egg hatch into the same pokemon? (even if she evolves, we'd still have already seen the little bunny before) So to answer the question, no I doubt it'll happen, but not because SEX IS OUTRAGOUS! but because it would just be redundant to have the same pokemon come into the party of a character whom already has one.


Aura Trainer
Pichu then? Technically neither character has one (and if IIRC, Pichu can't use Electric attacks without shocking itself...)
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