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Pikachu's Summer Festival (P07)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Pikachu's Summer Festival!

It's the start of the summer festival and Azumarill is to perform on the stage. However while arriving in the car with Meowth & Wobbuffet, Azumarill is kidnapped by a Skarmory. Pikachu & Co. decide that it is their duty to find Azumarill so that the festival can go on. Can they find her?

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V Faction

Interesting choice of board. I thought that since this was shown separately from the movies, it wouldn't be included under this section.

Craziest thing ever: Bellsprout with a beard. Buhuh?

I want a picture of Corphish, Grovyle, and Combusken right after they attack Aggron, damn it!


I thought Mudkip was supposed to have a part in this, but from the pics, it only appears at the very beginning. What a joke. I'm glad Corphish got some action though.


Contaminated KFC
Cybercubed said:
Man, I sure hope 4kids dubs this eventually.
Indeed. It would've made for a perfect Chronicles addition at least. Definatly would have been a much better than the embarrassingly awful 'Snorlax Snowman' thats for sure...

I'm liking the line-up of pokémon involved in this. Wow, Combusken and Wobba in a scene, standing next to each other like buddies? *sniffle* That brings a tear to my eye.
And of course, Corphish looks like a total riot in this one. It kinda saddens me that none of these guys are ever going to have the chance to strut their stuff in a proper Pikachu short that would coinside with a future movie.

The Azurrmarill brings back memories of 'Love Totodile Style'. Its the same sort of primma donna superstar type and everything.

~Man, 75%? Hurry up you god-damn non-illegal-method-of-obtainment! :x

PKMN Master Travis

This was a really great short. It had alot of action and alot of funny parts.


This short makes me wonder what it would like if other Pokemon grew facial hair. Pikachu with a goatee...

The short does look really good. It'd be nice if 4Kids dubbed it, but I doubt it!


Well-Known Member
I liked the mini movie. Cool com busken action and corphish was great as even when fighting along with grovyle.

I hope there will be a subtitles version up sometimes because I really want to know what the pokemon say in some parts. it gives them so much character. I hope the man doing the voiceover is in the next mini movie as well. ^^

oh, I forgot to mention th elack of any torkoal action besides it using a hammer..big deal..poor guy. even in the mini movies he´s hated.


Contaminated KFC
TeddiUrsa said:
I hope the man doing the voiceover is in the next mini movie as well. ^^
I personally found the narrator to be kind of annoying at times. His voices of Plusle, Minun and Pikachu kinda got on my nerves after a while >_>


Glacier Trainer
Gravy said:
I personally found the narrator to be kind of annoying at times. His voices of Plusle, Minun and Pikachu kinda got on my nerves after a while >_>
Lol! I know exactly whatcha mean dude. Sometimes I think "wth go away for once." >_x;.. when ever I'd hear his voice..because most of the time..it just sounds embarrassing


Well-Known Member
Gravy said:
I personally found the narrator to be kind of annoying at times. His voices of Plusle, Minun and Pikachu kinda got on my nerves after a while >_>

you´re right about plusle and minun, but I liked his corphish and grovyle. but the best thing about him is that we get to knoe what the pokemon say which is very rare.
strange, wobbuffet wasn´t voiced by him..maybe all it wants to say is the meaning of its name ^^
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Blaziken master

In this short what was the old bellsprout talk to the pokemon about?As in how did he convince pikachu in the gang to go rescue Azumarril?

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
I Cant wait to see it in english it looks good =3

Is there a link with subtitles?
I know theres no dub, but I'd watch it with subs if I could find it.