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Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
Well, my last thread got old, so I made a new one! PikaMario Please rate my site and submit your own stuff to it!


Mush! Mush!
You could've told me you had music! Scared the heck out of me when I turned it on, 'specially since I was listening to music beforehand!

Anyway, it looks pretty good. What are you hosting it with?

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
thx!I use freewebs and sorry about the music. If you have sprites, i will put them on my site!, please!I really need some


Active Member
Great site, Shiny Spoink! I like the sprites! "Kirby" makes really good stuff, in my opinion...


Help me find myself
Interesting site, "Kirby" seems to help out alot.

chaos on the internet

remove the music, thats like a horrible no of web design


Help me find myself
chaos on the internet said:
remove the music, thats like a horrible no of web design
It's on freewebs, he can't control the web design.

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
oh well, PikaMario v2.0 is the HTML one!

PS: Illusionist Kirby is K-*sees Illusionist Kirby glaring angrilly at me*


Active Member
V2.0 isn't of your own HTML design, you just got a template from somewhere else.

Yeah, I suppose I am "Kirby". *Glares at Shiny Spoink*

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
but i edited it ALOT

Shiny Spoink

Soul Trainer
thank you, we just got a new forum!


Help me find myself
Which you spam on way too much.


Active Member
Yeah, Bawooga's right. You spam on your forum WAAAY too much. Follow your own rules, kid.

Your new site template would be cool if it wasn't pre-made.