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PIKMIN: a rising war!


ZOMG!I'm a person!
A small green pikmin lays in the awakening wood, gazing up at the sky.He is laying on one of the four famous formations of the world, gazing up into the sky,wondering if capt.Olimar and louie,called the powering pair nowadays, are going to come back....He gets up and starts to wander off, for he only has short periods of deep thinking.He starts to head northwest, torwards the Perplexing Pool.He takes twigs and shapes them into climbing surfaces,heading up the mountain to go down the path torwards the expansive pool.He walks down the newly made path,wondering what it was like when the powering pair was here.as he walks, he picks up some leaves to add to his large collection,which is hidden in the perplexing pool.
ok people who have joined my rpg,post!
LSU's are accepted
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Bring me the grapes.
a Bloyster's bulb bursts open as a pikmin jumps out and flies over to a sleeping bulborb. the pikmin opens a dark portal in its side and clambers in. The pik-orb runs toward a spot where a small broken-down space ship lies abandoned in a heap alongside an old piklopedia and 23 pokos. After examining, Pikmoe picks the 2 items up and walks on...
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ZOMG!I'm a person!
Pikodi notices a small ship in the plains of the perplexing pool.He runs torward it hopeful for the powering pair to be back.He jumps throungh a broken hole in the ship and notices a figure sitting in the back of the ship.It was captain olimar!His blood raced as he walked over to greet him, but noticed something.His suit had large rips it it and his helmet had a large hole in it......Pikodi backed away struck by the fact that olimar could not live in the planets oxygen,and the hole had let oxygen in.....Pikodi then bumped into something large.He turned around,finding himself in front of the eyes of a bulborb.he backed against a wall, fearing his end had come.......
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Bring me the grapes.
Pikmoe looked at the cowering green pikmin. Why was this pikmin leaning on a small appendage that looked like a small sut worn by the president of hocotate? then it came together. he clambered out of the bulborb....

Mew Master

i joined one minute ago so.he went in the onion to go to earth...


Bring me the grapes.
ok. welcome, mew master.


ZOMG!I'm a person!
mew master I did not accept you into this RPG.Your sign up was very,verybad.
Pikodi was shocked by the pikmin that had just clambered out of the bulborb.
He realized it was a black pikmin,one with powers of controlling monsters from the inside.He greeted the pikmin. "hi,I'm Pikodi,what's your name?"


Bring me the grapes.
Pikmoe squealed happily at the thought of a friend.
"I'm Pikmoe. Look at what i found!"
He pulled out the piklopedia and scanned it.
tucked into its folds was a location device used for locating enimies.
Pikmoe passed it to the green pikmin.
Apparently there was an Emperor Bulbax in the area. Right below Pikmoe...


ZOMG!I'm a person!
"oh crud"Pidoka said."Be quiet so we dont wake it.I dont want to get eaten by that thing.And you cant possess that thing because of its rocky back.Do you think it errr..well... killed Olimar?" he commented,showing Olimars body to Pikmoe


Bring me the grapes.
Pikmoe sighed.
He looked down and touched the helmet of the figure on the ground. Its face immediately dissapearred to display the president of hocotate curled up inside the helmet....
"Double crud."
One of the Emperor Bulbax's eyes clicked open....


ZOMG!I'm a person!
"Uhhhhh.....I think we should run"Pidoki whispered to Pikmoe."I dont wanna be Bulblax's dinner"he sain as he began climbing out of the spacehip through the top hole.He dropped a vine into the spaceship."Climb up".


Bring me the grapes.
Pikmoe climbed up the vine just in time to see a giant Emperor Bulbax shoot out of the ground and snap at the vine. The vine fell, but Pikodi and Pikmoe were safe.
Pikmoe could see a group of Spotty Bulbears up ahead.
"Stay here, Pikodi, and if a Bulbear comes, it's me."
The black pikmin ran ahead and jumped into the Bulbear. It was amazing. Possessing this creature gave him full power over the small Dwarf Bulbears following him. He told their minds to not eat Pikmin. Then Pikmoe ran back to where Pikodi waited.
Lotad- from now on i wil be posting my items here.

23 Pokos
A Completed Piklopedia


ZOMG!I'm a person!
Pikodi was waiting for pikmoe,when the emperor bulblax destroyed the ship and pikodi tumbled onto bulblax's back."Pikmoe!"he screamed "Throw me a rose from that bush!" He pointed torwards a bush of thorny roses. The bulblax kept tring to shake him off.


Bring me the grapes.
Pikmoe heard him just in time. he ordered the Bulbears to toss Pikodi the roses. Then he jumped on the bulbax, killing it. Pikodi was tossed aside along with Pikmoe. Suddenly Pikmoe had an idea.
"Maybe i could possess it now...."
Pikmoe became an Emperor Bulbax, capable of digging into the earth and summoning mighty earthquakes.....
A piklopedia
23 pokos


ZOMG!I'm a person!
Dude, if the body is dead you can't possesss it.you can only to possess something alive
"Dude,possessing it isn't going to work"Pidoki said."It 's dead."
"anyways when you threw me those roses, I shoved them into his back"


Bring me the grapes.

They proceeded.
the locator beeped...
I have the same items.


ZOMG!I'm a person!
"Uh,it's beeping torwards that hole"Pidoki said,pointing at a hole where the bulblax had emerged."And I am not going in there"he stated,backing away. "Let's check the rest of the ship for any more stuff"


Bring me the grapes.
Up through the hole came a snagret.
"Er..... Pikodi? I'm gonna possess that."
He did.
"Now i'm gonna bury underground to look for items. you look above ground."
He dived, and hit his beak on a weird canister.
It was an ultra-bitter spray!
Then Pikmoe sensed something moving paralell to him....
cool i got an ultra-bitter spray!!!!


ZOMG!I'm a person!
While searching the upper flors of the ship,he found an odd machine with buttons on it.He pressed a green button and a voice came on: "I have landed on the planet of pikmin a third time to see if I could bring my family here.My ship is in well condition and I am inventing a new machine from treasures I found.I have also completed my piklopedia!""End tape one"....It was a recording of captain olimars third-and last-landing!
tape 1
I took a go at spriting our pikmin,CM

Tauros Rider2

Pikoder was watching from his personal onion.He landed it near a ship he saw."Hello anyone there?"Pikoder said.He went inside and saw a pikmin and a snagret.He was ready to attack it."Wait thats my friend"the pikmin called out."Oh sorry"Pikoder responded."My name is Pikoder and im a hybrid pikmin"Pikoder stated.He held out his hand to shake hands with the pikmin.