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Pimp Of The Pickuppers..


Well-Known Member
sup everyone,.. i love using 5 pickupers when i ev train so much ima make a team with 5 n one "PIMP" of pickups.. (yes the pickupers have cute names)..neway..wats the best poke to handle most the fighting..opinions plz~i can fig evs n wat not...

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
Um... Wtf do you mean? The best Pokemon to fight with would be whatever your EV training....

I assume that I misunderstand you.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
I use Linoone since the other Pokes with PickUp are (I believe) Meowth and Teddiursa, so it's really the one evolved Pokemon that knows it. It knows Covet so while I'm EV-training I can also steal items from whatever Pokemon I'm training against as well.
Linoone's got good speed, and you can get some decent attacks out of it.

I had one that had a Modest Personality and I turned it into a Special Sweeping Pickup Pokemon (SSPP) and I admit, not something you'd wan't for battle, but at least it's something for protection.

The moves it had:
Ice Beam

That is enough to get blasted at for even doing that, but, it's just there for picking up.

You know you got some luxary with Surf, and with that comes Thunderbolt, if you want some Lv100 Pickups, you know you got your line set up there.


Well-Known Member
Linoone Definately its one of the best pokes with pickup and as TRJessie579
said with covet it can give u great items as well as with pickup.


I love garlic. :P
Linoone... It's cool enough... And i steal LOT'S of things, with it...


Well-Known Member
nah 5 of the pickupers r newhere from 13-39ish..i will lvl them later on but the point is..one pokepimp to gaurd the female zigzags n such....they kjust collect rare candys nuggest n omg ive sold bout 200k worth of full restores/vitamins i didnt need...n used bout 30 rare candys.. they will not fight dat often. as far as ev trained.. i got bout 10 or 11 .. like 7-8 which i still think spreads r nice between emmy n ruby..i mite stop bein lazy n grab regis...but i was thinkin my medicham either the hybrid or the pure elemental or pure phys.. dunno why i did all 3..but i like hybrid best shes only like lvl 40 n 1hitkos eveyrthang met so far.. the pure power plus 152 attck isnt to bad with good spec attk..maby im a noob but ingaME seems good