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goukuzaru ownes
does anybody here use pivot if so post some of your anis or just rate mine ill be posting them now and then
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goukuzaru ownes
pivot stickfigure animator google it you will find it on many sites


goukuzaru ownes
would using a normal animation thingy work?
yeah but pivot is the easyest out there the second is easytoon which is also free flash is the best but cost 500 fricken dollars and is realy hard to figure out.

ps ill post some of my easytoons later if u want


goukuzaru ownes
I have Pivot too, but I'm nowhere near as good as you...I used to have an awesome animation of a combat simulator with one black stickman beating up loads of smaller pink ones, but the computer got a virus. I wish I could have posted it...

make some new ones! i have tons, sucky and awsome and here i am w/ new improved pivs





Well-Known Member
I used to do Pivot but I gave up because frankly...I can't do it. I'll see if I can show you one of mine. It says to be continued but I can't be bothered to continue it...Wait a sec how do I show you? Just upload it?


There we go. A bit basic but my best.
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Wow, these are really good.
Must have taken you ages to make :p
I really like the simplicity.