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pkm league Im StUCk


Iced Salamence

kk guys im stuck on the pokemon leauge ive tried it twice and these are the pokemon i use
blaziken lv.55
lanturn lv. 42
milotic lv.57
could you gimme some tips please;251;


Off topic: this is in the wrong thread.

ur pokemon are at an adequate level. post us their attacks, and we'll try to improve them. oh, and try leveling up lanturn to be the same as the others.

Also, please do KINDLY tell us what game you are using. it would drastically help the situation, as the pkmn legues vary from region to region.


Well-Known Member
;227; Okay, first of all this is in the wrong section. Second of all we don't know which E4 you are trying to beat. Third, you have to post movesets. You could have the best movesets ever or you might have Splash, Leer and Tail Whip as only attacks. We gotta know.

Anyway, Blaziken is probably a good choice for Lorelei/Glacia, (Whichever it is)and Aggron too. Lanturn might work for Phoebe/Agatha, but this team needs some Fighting, but maybe that's covered w/ Blaziken.
Skarmory211 said:
;227; Okay, first of all this is in the wrong section. Second of all we don't know which E4 you are trying to beat. Third, you have to post movesets. You could have the best movesets ever or you might have Splash, Leer and Tail Whip as only attacks. We gotta know.

Anyway, Blaziken is probably a good choice for Lorelei/Glacia, (Whichever it is)and Aggron too. Lanturn might work for Phoebe/Agatha, but this team needs some Fighting, but maybe that's covered w/ Blaziken.
And to add to that, not approved, READ THE ****** rules


'tis a penguin...
-ok why do you have only our pokemon?
-movesets plz
-its a pretty balenced team but i need to know the movesets
-psychic pokemon plz (very useful)
-LEVEL UP no wonder your loosing

EDIT:its for R/S/E people you have to beat the elite four (i think) to get hoenn pkmn in FR/LG G/S/C those pkmn didnt exist and in R/S/E you can get them
Last edited:


Guy's, using his signiture, I think its easy to know that he is on about R/S/E, seeing as he has the mentioned poke's under his Emerald team.

+Chaos Blade+

Getting back on-topic.

Sydney - Blaziken would play the best offensive game here, but Crawdaunt/Sharpedo would be a formidable opponent with Surf, so grab a Grass or an Electric-type to back it up. Lanturn would be great there. Ensure it has Thunderbolt [you can get it from Wattson from saving New Mauville or buy it for 4000 coins at the Game Corner] For everyone else, Blaziken would be the champ.

Phoebe - Ghosts. Sableye. Challenge. A Dark-type would be good here. Sharpedo, or any Pokémon with Crunch would eliminate the Dusclops and Banette, but for Sableye, use Aggron. It's Steel-type traits would help you, and Iron Tail can eliminate Sableye in one blow.

Glacia - Ice-types are weak to Fire, Fighting, and Rock. Blaziken has two of those traits, and can learn Rock Slide as a baby. Use Sky Uppercuts, Blaze Kicks/Flamethrowers to eliminate the Glalie, and Lanturn's dual-type capabilities provide great resistance and attack power. Thunderbolt the Walrein and Sealeo and you have a match!

Drake - Does your Milotic have Ice Beam? Ensure that it does. If not, grab a Dragon-type of your own, or an Ice-type with powerful Ice-type moves. Dragons hate Dragon attacks and Ice attacks, and are resistant to numerous other types, such as Fire, Electric, and Water, so Blaziken and Lanturn are your last resorts here. Aggron could provide some defense, but not much here. Milotic is great, if it has Ice Beam.

Wallace [Emerald-only] - Heal up your Lanturn with some Max Potions or something, because it's going to be used a lot here. Grab a Grass-type for Whiscash and a Flying-type for Ludicolo, and use items if necessary. It'll be a tough match, but you can get through.

Steven [Level 50-58 RS 70 - 78 Em] - Magneton, if you don't have one, will be good for Skarmory. If not, Lanturn is okay. For most of Steven's team, it is weak to Fighting and Fire. Blaziken's Sky Uppercuts and Blaze Kicks/Flamethrowers will do the job here. If not, Lanturn's Surfs will do wonders as well. Ensure you have a ton of Revives and Potions, because in this battle, it's tough, especially in Emerald, when his Pokémon are 20 levels higher than that of RS.

+Chaos Blade+


Iced Salamence said:
kk guys im stuck on the pokemon leauge ive tried it twice and these are the pokemon i use

No wonder you are...

blaziken lv.55
lanturn lv. 42
milotic lv.57
could you gimme some tips please;251;

Yes, I can.

- Level up Lanturn. R/S/E won't let you pass through like that.
- Fill your party.
- Provide movesets.

There ya go.
Comments are in bold. =P