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pkmn team e4 help

i dont know if this is the wrong forum but, i need help bad! i just made it to the e4, and i need to know if i can beat them or need more pkmn etc.

my pkmn team is

;003; lv.52 modest
frenzy plant
razor leaf
sleep powder

;087; lv.50 quirky
take down
water pulse
sheer cold

;018; lv.50 quirky
wing attack

;028; lv.46 sassy
poison sting

someone please help!


what exactly is the problem/ can you please define it? ( i know you need help, but please clarify what exactly is wrong w/ the team for fighting the e4)
Are those your only 4?

If don't have them already, use the legendary birds

And Venusaur is bad to use in the E4, due to the fact there are hardly an things he can kill, except probably Onix, but that's what Dewgong's for

And take Sheer Cold off Dewgong, it'll never hit since all the E4's pokemon are higher level


Well-Known Member
Zapdos or Raichu would be good for Loreli and Lance...Gary too considering he will have 3 flying types.
Kadabra or Hypno for Agatha and Bruce.


Beginning Trainer
Since you have a Sandslash, Im guessing you have Leaf Green.
I cant stress enough about having a good electric and Psychic pokemon on your team. Raichu, Magneton (or Electabuzz if you have access to FR) and either Hypno or Kadabra (Alakazam if you can) will help save your hide with their strong special attacks. If you want to kill 2 birds with one stone, Id say use Lapras (or Starmie in LG) with :
Ice Beam

Ingame its very useful. Psychic and Surf Bruno to bits, Thunderbolt Lorelai, not too useful against Agatha, and Ice Lance. Your opponant will also fear Boltbeaming Lapras, as both Ice and Electric will affect at least half his team.

Something with a Dark move like Bite or Crunch is also useful. I used Blastoise in my Elite 4 campaign just because it knew Bite, which really helped against Agatha.

Hope it helps.
thnx guy's, and the problem was i did'nt think i was able to beat them with the stats my pkmn got there good but i dont think good enough.


I am the game
You need them stronger. And your rivals charizard is immune to earthquake.


The Master...
"yes nah, chansey" but you have to find it yourself
its basically chansey backwards without the "C"