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pkmn XD

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i have been hearing that this game is great......but is it really that good ?like the graphics,story line,exc.


The Firey Inferno
It's okay, I only got it for the Lugia, and the 3 birds for my brother...


Well-Known Member
Everyone's view on it would be different. Personally though, I think it's an awesome game. I like the storyline and the music in it. It's also awesome with Lugia and the 3 legendary birds with really good moves.


Nothing to be done
Best story of any of the Pokemon games. The graphics are nice, though a bit unglamorous. As for gameplay, just think of any extremely linear version of the Gameboy ones. Ironically, the Gamecube version ends up being the mini, while the Gameboy games remain the quintessential essence of Pokemon.
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