0.0 That would be very... odd.
yeah. i know i have it. you can play ANY gb(a) game on that thing its cool
Umm unless there's something about the Wii playing DS games on the actual wii that I don't know about, wouldn't it make more sense to play Diamond and Pearl on your DS as the controller and the TV to show the screen.
just a thought. you can hook the ds up to the wii already to trade pokemon. so what if you can play pokemon diamond and pearl on a tv. you would use the stick controller as the stylus.
I'm pretty sure that will happen...I saw a D/P picture of your room(In the game) and it showed a Wii next to your tv...R/S/E had a Gamecube that could link up with the Gameboy...Just saying...
the controller now is looking more to be the ds because i dont think there is a b button on the wii stick controller.
what about the other controller?
but i think it is only for the old nes games.