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Play Diamond and pearl on the wii

just a thought. you can hook the ds up to the wii already to trade pokemon. so what if you can play pokemon diamond and pearl on a tv. you would use the stick controller as the stylus.


Power of the mind
Umm unless there's something about the Wii playing DS games on the actual wii that I don't know about, wouldn't it make more sense to play Diamond and Pearl on your DS as the controller and the TV to show the screen.
0.0 That would be very... odd.

Odd? Did you know that every Pokemon RPG game (except I think FRLG and Emerald) have had some way to be played on the TV? Stadium 1&2 let you do it for the 1st and 2nd gen games, and Box let you do it for Ruby and Sapphire.

However, the DS has a touch screen. I see that as the major argument against such a thing in PBR.
Umm unless there's something about the Wii playing DS games on the actual wii that I don't know about, wouldn't it make more sense to play Diamond and Pearl on your DS as the controller and the TV to show the screen.

that is a good idea. but it would mabe be annoying because you would be looking at the tv and you might not know where the stylus is when you touch the screen.but who knows, it could be what they are doing


just a thought. you can hook the ds up to the wii already to trade pokemon. so what if you can play pokemon diamond and pearl on a tv. you would use the stick controller as the stylus.

I'm pretty sure that will happen...I saw a D/P picture of your room(In the game) and it showed a Wii next to your tv...R/S/E had a Gamecube that could link up with the Gameboy...Just saying...
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I'm pretty sure that will happen...I saw a D/P picture of your room(In the game) and it showed a Wii next to your tv...R/S/E had a Gamecube that could link up with the Gameboy...Just saying...

WOW i did not realize that. now its clearer to me that that will happen. but will it be wireless or do you buy some attachment and stick the ds game in.
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the controller now is looking more to be the ds because i dont think there is a b button on the wii stick controller.

