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Play time world record

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hooray, it's Jetx!
Do you spend ages on pokemon games? Well I do and alot of you probably do as well. So we should make a play time world record (Please don't post if your play time is less than one of the previous posts)
I'll start the record at 317 hours on my ruby. Oh yeah if you have a colossus playtime save it until last so it seems more impressive. So impress the other users and show your record!


Nothing to be done
Now when I play the games I just start over after beating them, because the real fun is in playing through the games, not collecting, and god knows that there'll never be a competition in my area. But back during the fad, I played one game in my Blue version until the clock stopped at 255:00, and I kept going for a LONG time after that. I'm sure I clocked far over 350:00. I was obsessed.


Hm, I have *Looks up* 578:52 on my Ruby and 555:56 in Gold.


my dads has over 700 hours!!! he's a major player at pokemon and plays every sec he gets


Wow, he must have a life. Anyway, my longest game time is 103:43 on my Sapphire, and 73:56 on my Emerald.


Battle Factory Champion
I have had a couple hundred but usually I reset the game when everything's done rather than just hanging around.

My Gold one's over hundred currently, maybe I wont reset that one just for the sake of this thread :)


Kill your heroes
F***in' Amazing!

On Sapphire, 387 hours. On Silver, 100 hours.
CyberCubed said:
I have 999:59 hours on Sapphire. I should really have around 1015 hours, but the timer stops at 999:59.
WOW. That is f***in' AMAZING!


Well-Known Member
924:14 on my Pokemon Ruby.


Geki said:
Wow, he must have a life.
Do you like being an a*shole? -_-

Anyways, I have 187:34 on my Emerald. I have A*SLOADS of hours on my Sapphire Version, but I'm too dang lazy to check. ;/

Pokemon Fanatic

I played a lot on Gold. I used to everyone's number to play again, then when they called I would always go back to them, and battle them first thing, which would waste my time. Then I would explore every city throught out clearly.

Time on Pokemon Gold:

87:77 and counting.


Gyarados Hunter
I had 255:59 on yellow, where the clock stops, on three separate occasions, and if I add all my gaming together (yellow, gold, ruby, fire red) it comes to... (finds calculator)... about 1500 hours, I think (maths isn't my strong suit!)


hooray, it's Jetx!
Get your calculators out guys because I think it's a good idea to talk about your total play time on all your games (Don't include the games that you started a new game to replace)
My total play is : *rounding up my games* (emerald 46:23 (got it 5 days ago!), ruby 317:49, sapphire 132:43, emerald 84:38 (fake), blue 64:16, gold 68:16, crystal 44:54, leaf green fake (why did I mention leaf green it has a play time of 00:00))
So my total play time is 755 hours.


Back I guess??
I had 999:59 in sapphire and red, but I restarted them. I have 999:59 in silver and 45?:?? in emerald.


Porygandrew said:
How about this: Without trading for Lv.Ubers, what is the fastest you've ever completed a game (as in the story mode - defeated the Elite 4 and had the credits roll)?

I believe PokemonMasterPika holds that record... I think his best ever was around 6 hours if memory serves correctly.... You'd have to wait and ask him though...
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