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Play Time

Gymleader Justin

Young Master
If your play time reaches past 999.99 does the game start over?


Well-Known Member
yes, it just stays at 999:59


Well-Known Member
I don't think anything happens. But really, if you reach that time, you should get like a event Pokemon like Celebi or Deoxy, as a reward for playing that long! LOL!


Onions? Where??
yeah, just sp on with reloader and it few days, well... about 40


. . .
The above two must've forgotten about Micros and normal GBAs. XD

The game won't reset, it'll just say '999:59'. IMO, it should just keep going, but meh. Or at least say '1000:00'. :p


Well-Known Member
It stays at that time....however if you keep playing you may encounter shinies as your wild battle odds in encountering one have gone up if you haven't encountered one yet. That has been my experience. If I was to get an event pokemon when the time reached that point I should have a one in each game. My time is generally generated in training and berry production, not in actual game progression.

Master Porygon

New Member
;249-d; Good to Know with everyone saying that Game curopts after 350 game time

Master ;137;

;249-d; Rules