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Please can I get some help here on stuff


Im not as good as you guys at pokemon and stuff. I basicly just play the game. Ive completed the pokedex (all 380). And beaten the elite 4 and stuff. But I dont understand some things;

Everyone is talking about hidden power EVs and natures and what pokemon to battle to raise stats and IVs and stuff

I dont understand what they are talking about
and the serebii guide to it hurts my head, even though im the smartest in my class

Can someone please put these in lamens terms for me and any other additional information;



IVs and EVs


Why it's not a good idea to "clone 95 rare candies and use them on a lv.5 and then enter him in battle frontier"

Items to hold

Thankyou :)

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
ev's are basicly a second 'hidden' set of stats or effort points. the more you battle the more you get, these make your pokemon stronger. rare candy will level up your pokemon but you will get no effort (ev) points so your pokemon will still be weaker than a trained one.

hidden power is a move that is based on a second set of hidden stats, called iv's or 'individual values' these range from 0-31 and do not change. they determine a pokemons individual strengths and weakness. there is an old guy in battle frontier who will tell you how good your pokemon is based on these values. Hidden powers type (chosen from all the different pokemon types like water, fire dark etc) will be based on your iv's total value.


ok, whats up with natures? I thought it was like if your pokemon was naughty it would like be no different, whats so good about natures?

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
like if you got a nature it raises up the pokemon ... and lowers the ... on the.. can be standing allot just visit the guide on serebii u can find there wich nature + and - the stats and wich anyways hope u got it in your head now ;)


Psychic Trainer

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting


Well-Known Member
Im not as good as you guys at pokemon and stuff. I basicly just play the game. Ive completed the pokedex (all 380). And beaten the elite 4 and stuff. But I dont understand some things;

Everyone is talking about hidden power EVs and natures and what pokemon to battle to raise stats and IVs and stuff

I dont understand what they are talking about
and the serebii guide to it hurts my head, even though im the smartest in my class

Can someone please put these in lamens terms for me and any other additional information;

Sp.Attack- it determines how strong the attack moves that are of the type fire, water, ice, electric, grass, dark, dragon, psychic. its counterpart is attack which deals with physical attacks that are of the type rock, bug, poison, ghost, fighting, steel, ground, flying
Sp.Defense- it determines how resistant or how much damage your pokemon can take from special attacks

IVs and EVs- bad skitty already explained this

Natures- natures give your pokemon boosts on a certain stat. for example, a modest pokemon will have a higher special attack but it will also have a lower attack.

Why it's not a good idea to "clone 95 rare candies and use them on a lv.5 and then enter him in battle frontier"- like what bad skitty said, it using rare candies doesnt take into account ev points so it will be weaker than ev trained pokemon

Items to hold- basically, items that a pokemon can hold such as berries which it can use to restore hp when i battle or powerup items that can increase attack such as charcoal (increases power of fire type moves by 10%)

Thankyou :)
answers in bold


Angel of Mercy
answers in bold

Ahh, but don't use junk like Charcoal... 10% is VERY MINOR...

Also, to those telling him to check Main Site, he already has and said it's confused him...

Items to use:
Choice Band (certain movesets only)
King's Rock (I don't see many people using them, but I always do)
Certain Berries (like the ones that heal stat conditions and the ones that up stats)
Many more...

When you meet a Pokemon... some "unseen" things are generated for it...

Among these are:

IVs and EVs give Pokemon a definitie edge in battle...

a Pokemon with 0 IVs and EVs in one stat against the same Poke cept with max IVs and EVs in that stat will have a 94 point difference in the stat at level 100 (widen the gap more if you're talking Natures)

IVs range from 0-31 and are a built in bonus to your Pokes stats...
EVs are gained in battle... certain Pokemon give you certain EVs along with the EXP...

A Pokemon can only obtain a max of 510 EVs (maxing with 255 in a single stat)

every 4 EVs will add 1 Point to the Stat (at level 100 anyway), so people usually stop at 252 in one stat, 252 in another, and 4 in something else... but there are many different spreads...

so... if your Level 100 Rayquaza and your buddies Level 100 Rayquaza (clone of yours) were to battle, after he gave his 10 Proteins (100 ATK EVs) his Rayquaza would have 20 more ATK than yours... that doesn't sound like much, but it does matter... especially when the gap is 63 points different rather than 20...

Well, there's more to say, but Iono what to say...

Good luck!



I said, Bring It ON!
Im not as good as you guys at pokemon and stuff. I basicly just play the game. Ive completed the pokedex (all 380). And beaten the elite 4 and stuff. But I dont understand some things;

380? what happened to the other 6?