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Please help build my deck!


Wish Maker
Okay, Im new and dont really get how to make a good deck and what all the cards do and are so im hopeing someone could help me set up a deck. THis is what i know is in it---

Jirachi Ex- Crystal guardians ( i think )
Lugia EX

.........gosh thats probably about it lol, please help me im so confused!


The Amazing chester
Well, do you want dual types? I understand if you are new, but yeah, a bit more info please...

dark manectric

pokemon master

if u want strong pyshic pkm get maybe an alakazam lugia is phyc / flying but he is very rare to get but very strong if u come across 1 u are very lucky
Um...no. This is RATE my deck, not BUILD me a deck. So put up a full list or I'm going to close your thread.