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please help me decide


Well-Known Member
i need some help i need one more member of my team , but i cant decide which pokemon to train, can you guys suggest a good one?please
i have
blastoise (starter)
typhlosion (partner but not the original partner)

other possible members(please decide among these,ide have to train them)
magnamium(original partner)

i have alot of others too , but those would be my prefered , so can you guys please tell me which would be strongest , and which you would use

please help ;014;
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Go with one of the grass types, since they cover your weaknesses. I'd go with Meganium, since it was your original partner and is probably stronger than the others, so you won't have to train it as much.


Well-Known Member
yeah ill have to train it , i left it alone after i beat rayquaza, ill probly use him
thank you
does any one else have any opinions
and ive also been thinking of using mightena
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