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Please help me out on a Dusclops moveset



Dusclops @Leftovers
Careful Nature
-Shadow Ball
-Seismic Toss/Focus Punch
-Pain Split/Rest


<-If only it was red
Sismic toss
Pain spilt
Confuse ray.

Dusclop's attack stinks, it's like blissy, but with high defence instead of HP, and is ghost type. So, you should inflict status, then, sismic toss, then, when a new poke comes out, pain split to heal, and hurt them.

Put EV's equally into defences, and some in speed.

Try a nature that lowers sp.attack, or attack, and raises either defence.



Blissey’s Attack is abysmal. Dusclops’s Attack, however, is higher than Gengar, and we put physical Attacks on Gengar lots of times. So Dusclops is fine with at least Shadow Ball. It’s the only way it can OHKO Alakazam and handle Gengar as well.