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please help me to find wailmer!


from heaven to glory
hi, ive been trying to find a wailmer since a very long time but ive not succeeded yet as it has been said in serebii.net pokedex that we will have to fish to get ive been using that method only. ive found many other
pokemons like magikarp, horsea and even staryu but im not able to find
a wailmer. please can you help me and tell me a place where this pokemon
is easily available??


from heaven to glory
thanx but where will we get the super rod? i have the good rod!!
if ur trying to get6 a wailmer to get a waillord for the regis u can use the super rod just before the waterfall to get ot evergrande city u can get a lvl 35 easy and maybe a wailord


oblivion weilder
thats a good level as wilmer evolves at 40 and learns water sput as a wailord at 44 i think