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Please Help me with my Battle Frontier Team...


The Gazing Eye
This is my team but I want it to improve it even more...

Swampert@King's Rock (Hoping to change this)
EV: I don't know...
Naughty (Before I knew the use of Natures)
-Ice Beam

Salamence@Scope Lens
EV: Speed and Attack (I think I remember slaughtering a lot of Zubats)
-Dragon Dance

EV: Defense, Special Defense, HP (The old man said that Dusclops has impressive ability on Defense)
-Confuse Ray

Dusclops is a last resort Pokemon, because of that I must only use him if both Swampert and Salamence can not take out
the opponents Pokemon. Also I often use him to against the very last Pokemon used by an opponent (for safety measures),
he gets the job done, but often it's small speed is his downfall, therefore I need something more trustworthy and a little more
durable like a Snorlax, but I don't know what to do with it, any suggestions??

Other Pokemon used:

Aerodactyl@Choice Band
Rock Head
EV: Speed and Attack (the old man said that it has better-than-average aility on Speed, good enough for me)
-Rock Slide
-Fly (Aerial Ace has been used up by a friend of mine, back in the day when I was too lazy to play emerald myself

It hits first and hits hard, but it is very fragile so if it can't take an opponent out in one attack, it is in big trouble.

Metagross@Quick Claw (for those speed issues)
Clear Body
EV: Don't know
-Explosion (another Move Tutor bites the dust)
-Meteor Mash

So please help me improve/replace this Pokemon..and help me finally defeat the Battle Frontier the 2nd time (and finally get on with my life)

Help me if you can
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Well-Known Member
Salamence@Choice Band
EV: 252 Att / 252 Spd / 4 HP
-Fire Blast
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace

Starmie@Shell Bell
Natural Cure
EV: 252 SAtt / 252 Spd / 4 HP
-Ice Beam

EV: 252 HP / ...
-Shadow Ball
-Seismic Toss
-Pain Split


The Gazing Eye
any replacement for Aerial Ace...it isn't with me anymore.
And how about a Snorlax that can slowly but surely eliminates foes. And I don't think I can get Misdreavus this time for me to breed and to be able for a Dusclops to have Pain Split. Any alternatives?

And at those EVs what does 252 Attack mean?, do I have to count the number of Pokemon that I have defeated that gives out attack?

And thanks for all the help..


Well-Known Member
Aerial Ace breeding chain:
Taillow (Lv. 34) -> Swablu -> Bagon

Rest is an option over Pain Split for Dusclops.

Snorlax works if you don't like Dusclops:

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Thick Fat
- Curse
- Rest
- Return
- Shadow Ball

252 Att EVs means you will have to fight 252 Pokémons that give 1 Attack EV.
So you can fight Shuppets in Mt. Pyre.
Or use Super Rod in Route 118. Carvanha gives 1 Att EV and Sharpedo gives 2.

If you have Macho Brace held on to the Pokémon, then you gain double the amount of EVs from battling. So you only need to battle 126 Pokèmons. If you have Pokérus as well (or the dot after Pokérus has expired), the EVs gained are further doubled. So from one Shuppet, you can gain 4 Att EVs.


The Gazing Eye
Okay thanks for all your help...But I don't have a Slowpoke in my game (for breeding Curse into Snorlax) and I don't think I can trade for one anytime soon, I don't know any alternative for Curse...
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Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
Naughty > Lonely on Salamance.


Need something to help with your Dusclops speed? Give it a Quick Claw. You can buy them at that shop at the Battle Frontier. Trust me, the chances of of your Dusclops going first in battle increase greatly, no matter how low the Speed.
Strawberrytoplings, Please don't Post set's like that, Hyper Beam is for Slaking. And Slaking Only. Dragon Dance, Surf, and Ice beam are all good attacks, But not Double team, nor Hyper Beam.
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so adorable...
Need something to help with your Dusclops speed? Give it a Quick Claw. You can buy them at that shop at the Battle Frontier. Trust me, the chances of of your Dusclops going first in battle increase greatly, no matter how low the Speed.

Need help to stop posting pointless trash? Cut your hands off.

quick claw sucks. it has a 10%-12% chance of working, and it is too haxxy. Dusclops isnt supposed to be fast, and it needs its leftovers.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
Adamant > all other natures on Salamence. Skarmory is still a OHKO.
iirc Fire Blast 2HKOs with adamant. Naughty OHKOs skarm (with the right EVs). But , since i forgot it was in-game use adamant (._.)


Need help to stop posting pointless trash? Cut your hands off.

quick claw sucks. it has a 10%-12% chance of working, and it is too haxxy. Dusclops isnt supposed to be fast, and it needs its leftovers.

Oh yes it does, think of it, suppose this person used Dusclops against a Pokemon like Gengar or Alakazam, which are really fast pokemon and have a dangerously high special attack. If Dusclops does'nt have a Quick Claw any, of them will just strike first with a Dark Type move. Dusclops could be finished in one blow without landing a single attack. I've used pokemon with strong attack(both physical and special) power but low speed. I've given them Quick Claws to fix their speed.



Well-Known Member

The only Dark moves Gengar and Alakazam learn are:
Knock Off, Snatch, Taunt, Thief and Torment.

None of these can OHKO Dusclops. Dusclops isn't a Pokémon with high offensive stats and low Speed like Camerupt. Its a slow Pokémon with 130 base SDef & Def. Its meant to take hits. Its a wall. All walls are meant to absorb hits and last as long as possible, thus Leftovers is a must.



The only Dark moves Gengar and Alakazam learn are:
Knock Off, Snatch, Taunt, Thief and Torment.

None of these can OHKO Dusclops. Dusclops isn't a Pokémon with high offensive stats and low Speed like Camerupt. Its a slow Pokémon with 130 base SDef & Def. Its meant to take hits. Its a wall. All walls are meant to absorb hits and last as long as possible, thus Leftovers is a must.

I see...whatever you say, but I think Quick Claw is still a must. My Relicanth uses a Quick Claw because of it's low speed and I'm still sticking with it. But my Porygon2 uses Leftovers though. Leftovers is a very useful item(for it's ability to regenerate a little of a pokemon's HP each surviving turn) but don't get me wrong, I've been using this item plenty of times but I still use Quick Claws. Say, How about you tell me your Battle Frontier team and I'll tell you mines?


~Poketopia Master~
Swampert @ Leftovers.
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Hydro Pump(Mudkip's Move)
Replace Ice Beam with Ice Punch.
Brick Break > Counter . Counter is useless,IMO.

Salamence @ Scope Lens
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Fire Punch.
Double Edge is useless.Taking recoil damage IS painful.
Crunch huh ? Replace with F.Punch please¬¬

Dusclops @ Chesto Berry
Confuse Ray
Will O Wisp
Confuse Ray,Will O Wisp is OK.
Curse is OK too.
Since you are halving your HP by using Curse,REST.Plus Chesto Berry awakens Dusclops.

Aerodactyl @ Shell Bell
Rock Slide
Wing Attack
Hidden Power [Electric/Grass/Fire/Fighting]
Hidden Power is to overcome its WATER and ICE weakness.Electric weakness?Taken by Earthquake already.
Wing Attack has 60?(or 70) power , better than Fly.Summore,it has 35PP.
Rock Slide and Earthquake are OK.

Metagross @ Quick Claw
Meteor Mash
This ONE is perfect !