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Please rate my first TC


Snorlax Breeder
EDIT--- Edited the badges so better fit and name so its easier on the eyes


Well rank it. Its my dream team for diamond when i get it. My fav poke is snorlax and well i worked hard on this. I customized it from the template a lot but i think it doesnt look "overdone" like some do. Rate it on a scale of 1-10. Auctualy this is my team on emerald except for Peru which is my Swampert even down to the shiney ditto which I got in that cave:D, but I hate my swampert. Well if i was a trainer these would be my pokemon:D Well anyways tell me what you think about this like i said its my first, but im experenced with photoshop.
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A Vicious Weremoth
7... which is great for a first attempt

1. this should be in the sprites subforum
2. you've got the basics down but certain things, likw your badges are still lacking...
3. I'd be interested in seeing more of your work


Snorlax Breeder
7... which is great for a first attempt

1. this should be in the sprites subforum
2. you've got the basics down but certain things, likw your badges are still lacking...
3. I'd be interested in seeing more of your work

can u show me a "good" example i didnt have one really and what do you mean subform?


Snorlax Breeder
looks good i like the customizing i want a shiny ditto and the mix of badges but you didnt need to fit them in the box perfectly it looks better them just put over it like mine

thanks i think im gonna and i like yours especialy the pokeballs its verry authentic, and for the badges i jsut picked my favs from the gym battles i enjoyed over the years, i just celebrated catching 250 pokemon on my gold verson today with out gameshark i forgot i had mew on one of my older blue games and i traded it right over now i got all 250 in gold:D



Meh, it’s pretty boring…it’s just like every other trainer card out there, nothing really special about it. Also, read the rules:

"Do not use the number system. If yall see the announcement PK so obviously made to the forum, then you would know this by now. It is pointless, doesn't help anybody or anything but your post count. So, yeah, no more 10/10 ratings or junk like that."