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Please rate my teams ^_^

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
OK, first off, I'm a Serebii.net newbie so, HELLO ALL! Second, these are my teams to be rated. I try to give all of my pokemon at least one supportive/defencive move.

Leaf Green
Butterfree (male) Lvl:48
Modest nature; Bug and Flying type
Ability: Compound Eyes
Move set:
Silver Wind
Sleep Powder

Ninetales (female) Lvl:48
Serious nature; Fire type
Ability: Flash Fire
Move set:
Confuse Ray

Kingler (female) Lvl:48
Bashful nature; Water type
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Move set:
Mud Shot

Venusaur (male) Lvl:52
Quiet nature; Grass and Poison type
Ability: Overgrow
Move set:
Razor Leaf
Sleep Powder
Leech Seed

Pidgeot (male) Lvl:53
Jolly nature; Normal and Flying type
Ability: Keen Eye
Move set:
Aerial Ace
Feather Dance
Quick Attack

Pikachu (female) Lvl:53
Naive nature; Electric type
Ability: Static
Move set:
Light Screen

Latias (female) Lvl:44
Brave nature; Dragon and Psychic type
Ability: Levitate
Move set:
Water Sport
Mist Ball

Latios (male) Lvl:50
Impish nature; Psychic and Dragon type
Move set:
Luster Purge
Dragon Dance

Swellow (male) Lvl:54
Timid nature; Normal and Flying type
Ability: Guts
Move set:
Aerial Ace

Swampert (male) Lvl:61
Careful nature; Water and Ground type
Ability: Torrent
Move set:
Muddy Water

Groudon (N/A) Lvl:72
Relaxed nature; Ground type
Ability: Drought
Move set:
Fire Blast

Kyogre (N/A) Lvl:74
Bold nature; Water type
Ability: Drizzle
Move set:
Hydro Pump
Sheer Cold

Latias (female) Lvl:78
Naughty nature; Dragon and Psychic type
Ability: Levitate
Move set:
Mist Ball

Latios (male) Lvl:78
Calm nature; Dragon and Psychic type
Ability: Levitate
Move set:
Luster Purge
Dragon Dance

Groudon (N/A) Lvl:79
Brave nature; Ground type
Ability: Drought
Move set:
Fire Blast

Swellow (male) Lvl:84
Bashful nature; Normal and Flying type
Ability: Guts
Move set:
Aerial Ace
Wing Attack

Swampert (male) Lvl:97
Modest nature; Water and Ground type
Ability: Torrent
Move set:
Muddy Water

Kyogre (N/A) Lvl:99
Bashful nature; Water type
Ability: Drizzle
Move set:
Water Spout
Sheer Cold
Hydro Pump

Those are my teams! Only constructive critiscism please. Thx! ;258; ;001;
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true love
Well, you didn't need to double post..

For your R/S/E teams, where do you get so much Latios/Latias? But that's beside the point.. Maybe having two dragons of the same exact type isn't that good in one team.. You could try a little variety, and a little less Legendaries in your team. Yes, they have super duper abilities and moves, but a normal Pokémon can do the same too.. or better. Legendaries aren't invincible, because even an even-leveled Houndoom can kill a Mewtwo (not talking about computer-controlled).

LeafGreen.. Why does Pikachu have Flash for? o_O There's a Move Deleter in FR/LG.. Forget which town, though it IS there. I'm not sure what else to say for that team.

Like I said, you could try a variety of DIFFERENT, regular Pokémon in your teams.. Just offering advice as I could, as I'm not the best team advisor/whatever the word is.


Marsh Trainer
EDIT ~ damm beaten 2 it
welcome 2 serebii
id give ur teams 6/10 due to it bein mostly legends ,
on groundon get rid of fire blast and give it Earthquake (EQ)
on swampert get rid of muddy water and surf as they are the same as EQ
and evolve your pikachu as it will get a boost in stats

Brute Root said:
OK, first off, I'm a Serebii.net newbie so, HELLO ALL! Second, these are my teams to be rated. I try to give all of my pokemon at least one supportive/defencive move.

Leaf Green
Butterfree (male) Lvl:48
Timid nature; Bug and Flying type
Ability: Compound Eyes
Move set:
Sleep Powder
Stun Spore

Butterfree isn't good at all.

Ninetales (female) Lvl:48
Timid nature; Fire type
Ability: Flash Fire
Move set:

There are better Fire-type Pokemon.

Kingler (female) Lvl:48
Adamant nature; Water type
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Move set:
Swords Dance
Knock Off
Mud Shot

Kingler's movepool is crap, so I'd suggest ditching it.

Venusaur (male) Lvl:52
Quiet nature; Grass and Poison type
Ability: Overgrow
Move set:
Sludge Bomb
Sleep Powder
Leech Seed

Pidgeot (male) Lvl:53
Jolly nature; Normal and Flying type
Ability: Keen Eye
Move set:
Aerial Ace
Steel Wing
Quick Attack

Raichu (female) Lvl:53
Naive nature; Electric type
Ability: Static
Move set:
Focus Punch
Thunder Wave

Latias (female) Lvl:44
Timid nature; Dragon and Psychic type
Ability: Levitate
Move set:
Calm Mind
Dragon Claw

Latios (male) Lvl:50
Timid nature; Psychic and Dragon type
Move set:
Luster Purge
Dragon Dance

Use the moveset I suggested for Latias. Why is Dragon Dance there when you have no physical attacks?

Swellow (male) Lvl:54
Jolly nature; Normal and Flying type
Ability: Guts
Move set:
Aerial Ace
Steel Wing
Quick Attack

Swampert (male) Lvl:61
Brave nature; Water and Ground type
Ability: Torrent
Move set:
Ice Beam
Curse Earthquake

Groudon (N/A) Lvl:72
Jolly nature; Ground type
Ability: Drought
Move set:
Fire Blast
Swords Dance
Rock Slide

Kyogre (N/A) Lvl:74
Timid nature; Water type
Ability: Drizzle
Move set:
Calm Mind
Ice Beam

Latias (female) Lvl:78
Timid nature; Dragon and Psychic type
Ability: Levitate
Move set:
Mist Ball

Use the movesets I suggested for Lati@s.

Latios (male) Lvl:78
Timid nature; Dragon and Psychic type
Ability: Levitate
Move set:
Luster Purge
Dragon Dance

Use the movesets I suggested for Lati@s.

Groudon (N/A) Lvl:79
Jolly nature; Ground type
Ability: Drought
Move set:
Fire Blast

Use the moveset I suggested for Groudon.

Swellow (male) Lvl:84
Jolly nature; Normal and Flying type
Ability: Guts
Move set:
Aerial Ace
Wing Attack

Use the moveset I suggested for Swellow.

Swampert (male) Lvl:97
Brave nature; Water and Ground type
Ability: Torrent
Move set:
Muddy Water

Use the moveset I suggested for Swampert.

Kyogre (N/A) Lvl:99
Timid nature; Water type
Ability: Drizzle
Move set:
Water Spout
Sheer Cold
Hydro Pump

Use the moveset I suggested for Kyogre.

Those are my teams! Only constructive critiscism please. Thx! ;258; ;001;

Ditch all the ubers and get some skill. There is no need to list the types; we know what they are.

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
OK, to get Latias and Latios on the same versions i used the EON ticket i got from the august(i think it was august) Nintendo event. Second of all Ninetales can beat any fire Pokemon b/c of her ability Flash fire. When she is hit by a fire type attack, she recieves NO damage, but her own fire power is increansed. Something else, on Kingler's moves..why have a water type pokemon that knows no water type moves...i think that's pointless. although swords dance is a good idea for him, i may replace leer. But keep in mind that on Leaf Green, i have yet to beat the elite four, so they aren't their best yet.

Also, i know about Raichu haveing beeter stats than Pikachu, but this time around i wont evolve it; reason is my friend started playing yellow again after about 6 yrs, so i said b/c he wont evolve his, i wont evolve mione (yes wierd i know but i wont evolve Pikachu as i did in the past). While on the subject of Pikachu, I noticed his Thunder, Flash, and Light Screen was taken away. Thunder is one of those "in case of emergency" moves, and i know how low its accuracy is. I can't tell you how many times Light Screen has saved my butt before so im keeping it, my opponenet SP ATKs. only do about half thier normal damage. Flash was a debate, although it has helped me cause it lowers apponents accuracy.

Butterfree, i always teach him Psychic before the elite four and as for stun spore, i think sleep powder is better. A pokemon can be PAR but still be able to attack, but a SLP pokemon, of course, sleeps for a few turns, giving me an edge to build my Pokemon's attack str.

With Venusaur and sludge bomb....i don't think ill do that. It can only be used 10 times Vs. Razor leafs 25. Although i have breed Venusaur to my other versions (ditto is sooo useful), so i may experiment with that. Plus, him knowing Synthesis and leech seed is an attack waste i think. Leech seed may not take much, but it saps HP every turn, Synthesis, however, for it to be really useful, must be used in conjunction with sunny day. Besides, come lvl 65, I'm gunna let him learn Solarbeam.

Ok, with Pidgeot, i nothiced he no longer knows feather dance, not so sure. Feather dance "sharply" lowers opponent's attack and especially when my opponent is asleep, that is very useful.

For sapphire Swampert,im not so sure about the moves you put, but ill breed him and try them out. Sapphire Kyogre....something strikes as odd...why would he need to know Thunder?
Also I noticed that on alot of these thier defencive move (if any) were taken away, they may sem pointless but the can easily turn the tide of a battle. Pokemon battles aren't all about power, ya need strategy too. Something else i noticed by reviewing my team, im kinda goin' fer the annoyance(sp?) and tricky moves. I try to bring out a certain type's true potential(sp?) I dont really tech them a whole lot of moves that aren't thier type. And im sorry if this post sounded rude by me shooting down a bunch of y'alls ideas. The are good ideas, I'll try them by breeding and teaching the moves to the ones i breed so i can experiment. I appreciate yall taken time to read this long post and rate my team. ;001;
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Brute Root said:
OK, to get Latias and Latios on the same versions i used the EON ticket i got from the august(i think it was august) Nintendo event. Second of all Ninetales can beat any fire Pokemon b/c of her ability Flash fire. When she is hit by a fire type attack, she recieves NO damage, but her own fire power is increansed.

Charizard used Earthquake. Blaziken used Rock Slide. Arcanine used Extremespeed. Just a few examples of fire beating fire.

Brute Root said:
Something else, on Kingler's moves..why have a water type pokemon that knows no water type moves...i think that's pointless. although swords dance is a good idea for him, i may replace leer.

Kingler has base 50 Special Attack compared to base 130 Attack, so even Surf on him is useless.

Brute Root said:
Also, i know about Raichu haveing beeter stats than Pikachu, but this time around i wont evolve it; reason is my friend started playing yellow again after about 6 yrs, so i said b/c he wont evolve his, i wont evolve mione (yes wierd i know but i wont evolve Pikachu as i did in the past). While on the subject of Pikachu, I noticed his Thunder, Flash, and Light Screen was taken away. Thunder is one of those "in case of emergency" moves, and i know how low its accuracy is. I can't tell you how many times Light Screen has saved my butt before so im keeping it, it hightens his SP. ATK. so my opponenet SP ATKs. only do about half thier normal damage. Flash was a debate, although it has helped me cause it lowers apponents accuracy.

Thunder sucks because of horrible accuracy, Flash is pointless and inaccurate, and Pikachu doesn't have the time to use Light Screen. Also, Light Screen cuts special damage inflicted on you in half, not raise your team's Special Attack. It's either Light Ball Pikachu or no Pikachu.

Brute Root said:
Butterfree, i always teach him Psychic before the elite four and as for stun spore, i think sleep powder is better. A pokemon can be PAR but still be able to attack, but a SLP pokemon, of course, sleeps for a few turns, giving me an edge to build my Pokemon's attack str.

Double powder. Butterfree can't do much else anyways.

Brute Root said:
With Venusaur and sludge bomb....i don't think ill do that. It can only be used 10 times Vs. Razor leafs 25.

It's not how much of the move you have, it's the effectiveness of the move. So what will you do when a Grass-type Pokemon comes in on your Venusaur? You can't Leech Seed it, and Razor Leaf won't do much damage to it. You'll have no choice but to switch out and get Stun Spored/Sleep Powdered/Spored/Leech Seeded.

Brute Root said:
Although i have breed Venusaur to my other versions (ditto is sooo useful), so i may experiment with that. Plus, him knowing Synthesis and leech seed is an attack waste i think. Leech seed may not take much, but it saps HP every turn, Synthesis, however, for it to be really useful, must be used in conjunction with sunny day. Besides, come lvl 65, I'm gunna let him learn Solarbeam.

So what happens when you fight a Pokemon in which it's doing more damage to you than Leech Seed/Leftovers recovers for you? Sunnybeamers only work with Chlorophyllers.

Brute Root said:
Ok, with Pidgeot, i nothiced he no longer knows feather dance, not so sure. Feather dance "sharply" lowers opponent's attack and especially when my opponent is asleep, that is very useful.

It doesn't help when a Special Attacker switches in on you. Besides, Pidgeot can't take a hit. You're better off lowering a defense stat than an attack stat.

Brute Root said:
For sapphire Swampert,im not so sure about the moves you put, but ill breed him and try them out. Sapphire Kyogre....something strikes as odd...why would he need to know Thunder?

Rain + Thunder = 100% accuracy, duh.

Brute Root said:
Also I noticed that on alot of these thier defencive move (if any) were taken away, they may sem pointless but the can easily turn the tide of a battle. Pokemon battles aren't all about power, ya need strategy too. Something else i noticed by reviewing my team, im kinda goin' fer the annoyance(sp?) and tricky moves.

Annoyers fail.


if your going to take an uber am max only take two, and for lengendary only one.

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
OK, i didnt say Ninetales was unbeatable, i know her weaknesses. Second, Pikachu does have time to use light screen, it has one of the highest speeds in the game so it will alot of times strike first, (oh and i didnt relize that i said that light screen raises SP ATK....i guess i should review my posts better). Also Crabhammer has an extremely high Crit. hit. rate, and almost all the time he uses it, the hit is crit, so it does double damage, which ignores raised defences from moves like harden. Flash lowers accuracy and it help, so im keeping it. But your right, i should find a light ball for Pikachu. I have a light ball on emerald and bred 2 pikachus to get a pichu with volt tackle.

Grass type VS. Venusaur: i can leech seed it and i will. here's what i would do: First, put it to sleep, then use leech seed, the use growth untill im satisfied(which is untill SP ATK wont go any higher) and if he wakes up during the process, put 'em back to sleep. then i use razor leaf. B/c of what growth does and b/c i use it to fully highten Venusaur's SP ATK, razor leaf will do a lot more damage than normal. Growth has even turned razor leaf into a one-hit-KO move quite a bit. Although i will have to change this strategy up a bit when i teach him solarbeam. (what's a Venusaur w/out Solarbeam?)
Pidgeot can take a hit, and like Butterfree, he has saved my hide countless time w/out double powder. And im not gettin rid of safeguard either..its too good. ;003;
Brute Root said:
OK, i didnt say Ninetales was unbeatable...

Yes you did. Reread your second post in this thread.

Brute Root said:
Second, Pikachu does have time to use light screen, it has one of the highest speeds in the game so it will alot of times strike first, (oh and i didnt relize that i said that light screen raises SP ATK....i guess i should review my posts better).

Pikachu is nowhere close to being one of the fastest Pokemon; it only has base 90 Speed. There are at least 50 Pokemon that have a higher base speed than Pikachu. Most people lead with Salamence or Starmie. Salamence has base 100 Speed, and Starmie has base 115 Speed.

Example of why Light Screen doesn't work on Pikachu:

Pikachu used Light Screen!
Pikachu's Light Screen raised team's Spec. Def.!
Pokemon used Move!
Pikachu fainted!

Brute Root said:
Also Crabhammer has an extremely high Crit. hit. rate, and almost all the time he uses it, the hit is crit, so it does double damage, which ignores raised defences from moves like harden.

Crabhammer is a Water-type move, which means it runs off of Special Attack. Kingler's Special Attack is crap.

Brute Root said:
Flash lowers accuracy and it help, so im keeping it. But your right, i should find a light ball for Pikachu. I have a light ball on emerald and bred 2 pikachus to get a pichu with volt tackle.

Whatever. Have fun wasting a moveslot.

Brute Root said:
Grass type VS. Venusaur: i can leech seed it and i will.

Leech Seed does not affect Grass-type Pokemon, therefore your strategy fails.

Brute Root said:
(what's a Venusaur w/out Solarbeam?)

A good Venusaur lacks Solarbeam.

Brute Root said:
Pidgeot can take a hit...

With base 75 Defense and base 70 Special Defense? I think not.

Brute Root said:
and like Butterfree, he has saved my hide countless time w/out double powder. And im not gettin rid of safeguard either..its too good. ;003;

Hello there Insomniac.
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Brute Root

I'm a Christian
ok, my pikachu's speed isnt only 90, it's 147 and its lvl 53. This is how my battles w/ Pikachu go:
Go Pikachu!
Light Screen
opponent attacks
Pikachu thunderbolt
battle ends.
Pikachu wins
plus im not stupid, i dont sned pikachu out against a pokemon who knows or could know a move that Pikachu's weak against. im not a n00b trainer, ive beaten leaf green that way 3X's in a row and light screen hasnt failed me yet, in fact it helped me win. so HA! put that in your pipe and smoke it.
so what if leech seed fails,it gives me more time to use growth or charge Solarbeam, and how much HP recovered by Synthesis depends on the weather, and unless its sunny from drought or sunny day, then it doesnt recover much.
it doesnt matter if Kingler's Sp ATK is low, if its a crit hit then the damage will be good no matter what.
Pidgeot's Def is 103 and SP DEF is 96, i admit compaired to others they're a bit low but that's why his spped is 143 and attack is 116, to make up for those...err.....mis-haps.
And i said Ninetales could be any fire type, i didn't say she was completely invincible. besides, when i send her into battle the first thing i use is her confuse ray so there's a good pretty good chance she wont be hit the first time around so it gives me more time to get my strategy in motion. ;001;
Brute Root said:
ok, my pikachu's speed isnt only 90, it's 147 and its lvl 53.

You obviously don't know what base stats are. Newbie.

Brute Root said:
plus im not stupid, i dont sned pikachu out against a pokemon who knows or could know a move that Pikachu's weak against. im not a n00b trainer, ive beaten leaf green that way 3X's in a row and light screen hasnt failed me yet, in fact it helped me win. so HA! put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Way to beat an AI that's so retarded that it doesn't even think about switching unless Shedinja is out and the current Pokemon has nothing to hit Shedinja with. :rolleyes:

You are most definitely a newbie trainer if you think that you have skills in beating a stupid AI. Get NetBattle and you'll find out the hard way.

Brute Root said:
so what if leech seed fails,it gives me more time to use growth or charge Solarbeam, and how much HP recovered by Synthesis depends on the weather, and unless its sunny from drought or sunny day, then it doesnt recover much.

It recovers 50% with no weather, 25% in hail, rain, or sandstorm, and 100% in sunlight.

Brute Root said:
it doesnt matter if Kingler's Sp ATK is low, if its a crit hit then the damage will be good no matter what.

Not true. Let's see how much damage a +Defense natured Aggron takes when a +Attack natured Blissey uses Return and gets a critical hit. ROFL.

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
chaos952 said:
You obviously don't know what base stats are. Newbie.

Way to beat an AI that's so retarded that it doesn't even think about switching unless Shedinja is out and the current Pokemon has nothing to hit Shedinja with. :rolleyes:

You are most definitely a newbie trainer if you think that you have skills in beating a stupid AI. Get NetBattle and you'll find out the hard way.

It recovers 50% with no weather, 25% in hail, rain, or sandstorm, and 100% in sunlight.

Not true. Let's see how much damage a +Defense natured Aggron takes when a +Attack natured Blissey uses Return and gets a critical hit. ROFL.

first off....thats kinda rude of you, instead of just insulting someone just explain yourself...jerk.
and if im such a n00b trainer how come ive beaten all my Pokemon games with out a gameshark? obviously im not as bad as yall think nor is my team. you and jirachi chan are the rudest ppl iv ever known, its like you think you better than everyone else.

"Way to beat an AI that's so retarded that it doesn't even think about switching unless Shedinja is out and the current Pokemon has nothing to hit Shedinja with."
half of that doesnt even make sence, a few gramitcal errors, try to re-type it. and what the living heck is an "AI"?

"You are most definitely a newbie trainer if you think that you have skills in beating a stupid AI. Get NetBattle and you'll find out the hard way."
that was just harsh..what's your problem?you two are the ones that are retarded, not me. the way yall are talking yall aren't even fit to be a gum wrapper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
Let's see if you can do this without losing you temper and sounding snotty:
can you explain this "netbattle" like what it is, where to get it and how to use it.And you may wanna to the polite thing and kindly explain where you are gettin all this baseattackstuff. ;001;
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and if im such a n00b trainer how come ive beaten all my Pokemon games with out a gameshark? obviously im not as bad as yall think nor is my team. you and jirachi chan are the rudest ppl iv ever known, its like you think you better than everyone else.
Who are you playing against? And Chaos knows what he's saying.
half of that doesnt even make sence, a few gramitcal errors, try to re-type it. and what the living heck is an "AI"?
You spelt Grammi- What the heck does gramitcal mean?
that was just harsh..what's your problem?you two are the ones that are retarded, not me. the way yall are talking yall aren't even fit to be a gum wrapper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
He gave you advice, so use it.
can you explain this "netbattle" like what it is, where to get it and how to use it.
You battle... on the net.
You obviously don't know what base stats are. Newbie.

Way to beat an AI that's so retarded that it doesn't even think about switching unless Shedinja is out and the current Pokemon has nothing to hit Shedinja with.

You are most definitely a newbie trainer if you think that you have skills in beating a stupid AI. Get NetBattle and you'll find out the hard way.

It recovers 50% with no weather, 25% in hail, rain, or sandstorm, and 100% in sunlight.

Not true. Let's see how much damage a +Defense natured Aggron takes when a +Attack natured Blissey uses Return and gets a critical hit. ROFL
And you don't uderstand that this is an in-game team.
Go back to the NetBattle subforum, from whence you came.
Consider that Pokemon may be lousy in NetBattle, but very good in-game.
The problem with your Emerald and Ruby teams, Brute Root, is that you use legendaries, which are way too easy to use. The hallmark of a good trainer is knowing that legendaries are unnecessary.
Pikachu (female) Lvl:53
Naive nature; Electric type
Ability: Static
Move set:
Light Screen
Replace Flash with Rain Dance.
Ninetales should be ditched.
Get Primeape. Fighting is the best type strategically, so you definitely need it.

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
You spelt Grammi- What the heck does gramitcal mean?
"gramitcal"...silly me i misspelled it, it grammitcal

He gave you advice, so use it.
hmm...5% advice, 95% insults....i may use it but he needs a nicer way to present it.

You battle... on the net.

Naw, thanks for pointing out the obvious Sherlock!
explain it better than that, what do you do (yes, i know you battle) but how? where do you get it? and how do i get it?

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
Infinite Master Sceptile said:
And you don't uderstand that this is an in-game team.
yes i know it's an in-game team, that why i got it off my games. and if thats not what you ment, explain yourself better.
Go back to the NetBattle subforum, from whence you came.
ok...whats up with that harsh insult, there was no need for that yall are just being rude and snotty.
Consider that Pokemon may be lousy in NetBattle, but very good in-game.
The problem with your Emerald and Ruby teams, Brute Root, is that you use legendaries, which are way too easy to use. The hallmark of a good trainer is knowing that legendaries are unnecessary.
so i like the legendaries....so what? i can just as easily beat the games without them, i raise them not cause they're strong but b/c i like them.

Replace Flash with Rain Dance.
someone in some other post of rating someone else's team said that trick doesn't work.
Ninetales should be ditched.
Get Primeape. Fighting is the best type strategically, so you definitely need it.
i dunno....i dont really like Primeape...and i dont wanna get rid of Ninetals...maybe ill experiment w/ that on another game.
Brute Root said:
first off....thats kinda rude of you, instead of just insulting someone just explain yourself...jerk.

You say you're not a newbie trainer, so there shouldn't be a need to explain it to you.

Brute Root said:
and if im such a n00b trainer how come ive beaten all my Pokemon games with out a gameshark? obviously im not as bad as yall think nor is my team. you and jirachi chan are the rudest ppl iv ever known, its like you think you better than everyone else.

At least you didn't use a Gameshark, but your team is that bad.

Brute Root said:
"Way to beat an AI that's so retarded that it doesn't even think about switching unless Shedinja is out and the current Pokemon has nothing to hit Shedinja with."

half of that doesnt even make sence, a few gramitcal errors, try to re-type it. and what the living heck is an "AI"?

The irony. ROFL

Brute Root said:
"You are most definitely a newbie trainer if you think that you have skills in beating a stupid AI. Get NetBattle and you'll find out the hard way."
that was just harsh..what's your problem?you two are the ones that are retarded, not me. the way yall are talking yall aren't even fit to be a gum wrapper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.

Looks like someone can't take criticism...

Brute Root said:
Let's see if you can do this without losing you temper and sounding snotty:
can you explain this "netbattle" like what it is, where to get it and how to use it.


Brute Root said:
And you may wanna to the polite thing and kindly explain where you are gettin all this baseattackstuff. ;001;

No chance, not with your snotty attitude.

Infinite Master Sceptile said:
And you don't uderstand that this is an in-game team.

I understand that quite clearly. You on the other hand...

Infinite Master Sceptile said:
Go back to the NetBattle subforum, from whence you came.

ROFL. Almost of the posts I make end up in this subforum.

Infinite Master Sceptile said:
Consider that Pokemon may be lousy in NetBattle, but very good in-game.

LOL. Prove it.

Bottom line: If you can't take criticism, don't post in the RMT forum.
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Brute Root

I'm a Christian
Carpetted! said:
I still don't think that's a word...

Chaos never was a gentleman, that's true.

Grammitcal means like....well..it has to do with the sentence structure like what words you use, the endmarks, that kinds thing.

And in my opinion, Chaos need to learn some manners and become a gentleman, it would be easier for both of us to get along. ;002;

Brute Root

I'm a Christian
chaos952 said:
You say you're not a newbie trainer, so there shouldn't be a need to explain it to you.
uh huh...well no need to be rude then...

At least you didn't use a Gameshark, but your team is that bad.
....ok...thats only one of my teams on that version.

The irony. ROFL
what irony?

Looks like someone can't take criticism...
i can take criticism, but when ppl just flat-out insult me like that, that makes me mad.

No chance, not with your snotty attitude.

oh.....oops....that wasnt supposed to say "now you may wanna do the polite thing and explain"
It was supposed to be typed like "now may you do the polite thing and explain"
i was talking to my friend on the phone then...thats where "wanna" came from and how i mis typed...i do that sometimes heh,heh.

Bottom line: If you can't take criticism, don't post in the RMT forum.
as i said earlier, criticism i can take, but un-called-for insults from a rude person or someone who is speaking in a rude way, that is unacceptable. ;002;