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Please rate this banner.


Well-Known Member
May I kindly ask someone to rate this banner:


and here's version 2:

Yeah, I know theres some white on the renders. But other than that, please comment and tell me what to improve on.

Just so ya' know, im Isaac Cruz from the Pokemon Crate forums.

Wll, anyway, please rate this too:

Please rate based on it being an Inferno. Dont lower the rating saying Infernos are easy, or blah....

An honest rating.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for the comment anyway.

BTW, you could at least tell me something to help me Improve.
(It is true, people on Serebii rate way harsher then ppl on PC Forums.)

Wll, anyway, please rate this too:

Please rate based on it being an Inferno. Dont lower the rating saying Infernos are easy, or blah....

An honest rating.
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GFX maker
The spoink inferno is ok..
I have to rate the banner with constructive criticism so here it is :
The background does not suit the renders...
Good use of scanlines but the thing that ruins it is the background.
I suggest you use brushes..
If you are already using brushes, pick good ones