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Please Read


It has come to my atention, and most deffinantly PX's and Pichu's, that people have been posting in RPG, saying that it needs a better plot ext.

Well just to inform you, that this is getting tiering and we would ask you NOT to post things like this in RPG's because it is considered spam.

If you see a RPG that is braking the rules, or needs improvement, just report it, do not spam up threads by saying things such as It needs improving, all you need to do is Report the case and it will be dealt with.

Thank you



I did that a couple of times (SORRY), PX told me not to. Thanks for doing this! Sorry for the ones I did.


you were the one.
Quite true. :/ It is getting a bit tiring watching them. Also if you do that, it gets on people's nerves a lot, and they can get fustrated a bit. Pic-I mean Mystic Lioness, me, Porygon X, could and will take care of it if you'd just report the spammy RPG sign ups. :p



Silver Swinub

soory :( I did it once or twice ill stop and umz can we report them here?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
No report them using the "Report bad post" button that is found in every individual post. It's the one shaped like a red triangle with a ! in the middle.


Crud, sorry.

I did it a few times :p.

Sorry again :p.

dragon tamer drakano

can you approve my rpg on the actual rpg board i didnt know sorry :(

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
dragon tamer drakano said:
can you approve my rpg on the actual rpg board i didnt know sorry :(

>.> not a mod, but what you spammed with is not an RP. It's just spam. BAD SPAM. An RP has plot, depth, description, a story/reason to why it should be joined, so yeah I spam now atm but you seriously need to read the rules.

Edit{fear it}
i was asking a mod if they could approve my rpg on the actual thing so stop budging in

>.> Just being helpfull, as spamming leads to banning. And if you don't wanna take advice and actually read the rules, or what the mods say, before hand, you wouldn't be in a pickle with a rule breaking .. spam post thingeh.
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dragon tamer drakano


i was asking a mod if they could approve my rpg on the actual thing so stop budging in


Renegade was only trying to help you, and if I were you I would listen to her. You need a plot for starters...NOT just a sign up sheet, so it cannot be approved. You need to sit down and read the rules through to get an idea and then I would advise you to look at some other RPGers sign up threads to get an idea of what you need and then and only then you can post a thread.

RPG's do not need to be approved, but posting them in the idea thread would be a good idea.


you were the one.
If you mean by making an RPG, just have the plot ready at hand (make sure it's presentable), create a sign up (again, presentable) and post your thread in the Sign Up forum. Once you've accumulated enough participants, you can then start the actual rpg in the RPG forum.

If you mean by signing up, then simply browse through the sign ups in the Sign Up forum, and see the owner's requirements in order to get in~

If you don't know what I mean by presentable, then just see other (*not* closed) RPGs for examples on how to do things, or simply read the rules. ^_^;



Sorry...I did it too =P Shall remember next time *huggles Ookami, LilyPichu, and RaZoR LeAf*

Pokemaniac Joe

I don't understand.
So, do all the RPGs have to be completely serious, or can they be humorous?