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Pleasssssse Helppppppppp!

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i came back from sky pillar and brougt rayquaza to sootpolis and talked to arcie, maxie, and then they left. then i tallked to wallace and he thanked me then left but he did not give me HM 07 waterfall, and now i can not get to ever grande city!


which version are you playing? Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald?

EDIT: Actually, where did you get the game from?


Dynamo Trainer
HM07 Waterfall is in the Cave of Origin, lying on the ground.

Double-posting isn't going to make anyone answer your question any faster. Just post once and, when someone can provide you with an answer, your question will be answered. If you want immediate attention, try the chat room:


Poke Freak

Whompithian said:
HM07 Waterfall is in the Cave of Origin, lying on the ground.

Double-posting isn't going to make anyone answer your question any faster. Just post once and, when someone can provide you with an answer, your question will be answered. If you want immediate attention, try the chat room:


That's in Ruby and Saphire, NOT Emerald.


Feather Trainer
That's odd... Wallace should've given you Waterfall after you awakened Rayquaza in order for Rayquaza to stop the Groudon and Kyogre fight when you fly to Sootopolis city... Wait a second, did a cheating device trigger Wallace not giving you HM07? Maybe you should check your party for Mr. Bad EGG... If he's in your party, then that shows this answer: As long as you don't cheat until you get to the BF, provided that you want to cheat the responsible way, then you won't miss any important items...
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wallace shuld of giving you HM07Waterfall by now you should check your bag maybe u didnt read what wallace gave you the HM


Well-Known Member
But I thought the Cave of Origin closes up after you defeat Juan? That means for all those who didn't get while walking to and from Wallace, they have lost there chance. That means it is somewhere else.


Wrath of Fire
I thought the cave of orign stayed open after you beat yhe gym. I will have to look.

EDIT: You were right, it does close
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