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Pluhies galore


God of Fusions

Welcome to the ultimate gift shop! Need a cute pluhie/ doll ? here it is, the plushie shop! Just tell me the pokemon you want and the color it has to be. The color doesnot have to be the original color of the pokemon.But it can if you want.

Here is my example

I would love a purple charmander with red eyes, and blue fire please! Thanks

So the result is

Everything I do is linked so just click on the image for a URL.


I have returned!
May I get a cute looking Licitung plushie with it's normal colors


Poor Torchic
can i get a Lapras Plush?


God of Fusions
Working on all Shop closed 'till I'm finished


God of Fusions
Ok, shop is now open. Here are my stuff-

Cute lickitonge!

Shiny sneasal

Awsome lapras!

Enjoy and give credit


Rawr >3
i'd like a christmas colored eevee plushie. ^^


Poor Torchic
thanks for the Lapras

Ket Shi

Come on and SLAM!
Awww, what a cute little Sneasel. (Even if it looks like it wants to claw your face off)
Thanks very much! :)


God of Fusions
OK, this stuff is selling like mad. One more request open until shop is closed. Everytime I get 3 requests in a row I close shop to work on them

your welcome, Ket shi :D



God of Fusions
Ok, that's it. Shop closed till I'm done.


Well-Known Member
Hi i want meganium plusie but in this colours :