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PMD: Level Up Weak Pokemon Easily: After Credits

This is really easy way to level up your Pokemon. I found it on Neoseeker, but I made it more organized.

Step 1. Beat Rayquaza and View Credits.
Step 2. Make Sure you have weak Pokemon
Step 3. Head to Frosty Forest with your strongest Pokemon and keep trying until you recruit Articuno.
Step 4. Make Articuno your Leader.
Step 5. Go to the Gulpin Link Shop and make Articuno remember Mind Reader.
Step 6. Link Mind Reader (1st) and Powder Snow (2nd) together.
Step 7. Equip Articuno with Special Band.
Step 8. Keep Articuno as your leader and pick one or two weak pokemon from your Friend Areas.
Step 9. Go to the Makuhita Dojo and Choose to do the "Team Hydro Training Dungeon".
Step 10: When going though BF1 & BF2 make sure to keep your weak Partners away from the Poliwags, don't leave them open for a Hypnosis or a Long-Ranged Bubble Attack. Conserve your Mind Reader/Powder Snow Linked Move.
Step 11. On BF3, use your Mind Reader/Powder Snow Linked Move. It should knock out Swampert and Feraligator on the first move and then Blastoise on the second try. As you level up, Articuno will knock out all 3 at once.
Step 12. Repeat Steps 8, 9, 10, and 11.

I hope it helps! ;109;


Team In Flames
I'd think it would work better in Shifty's Dungeon because Grass is weak against Ice.


Team In Flames
Good point.


Coral Eye Trainer
Do you know how much XP they give altogether?

I've been using Team Rumblerock, I have no idea why, lol.

Caterpie Master

Oh My! Noodlesoup!
when I battled team hydros, they gave something like 950 exp. points!
...maybe you need a legendary for so many points...
or I just counted wrong:p


Ive been using team rumblerock because I one hit everything with my bulbasaur. Ive tried hydro too though.

And I think its like 3500 altogether exp


World domination!
Mind reader is not needed once you got the power to wipe them all out you wipe out 2 but miss one one advances attack again=PWNed


World domination!
Average scenery of my lv 100 articuno who fought against team hydro:

A after powder snow when unlucky A
A more accurate attack=PWNage. I got once out of 500 times hit when doing this and it was 2 damage 2