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PMD:Squirtles position

What would you do in Squirtles positon?

  • Total voters
Sorry if the title is misleading.

I've thought about this an awful lot. I've been thinking, what would I have done if I woke up as a Pokemon.What would the world be like? How would I react?

Well this is what this is for.Post how you would react if you found yourself being woken up by a talking Charmander as a squirtle. Also describe how you think the world would be like.

Play it casually and not totally flip out like a crack head.
the world would probaly have mild cussing with no wierdo moments where everyone starts crying and they bond...XP
Also team meanies would be like Team Catastrpohe or somehtign that doesn't sound liek it came form a Dr.Suess book. Also the Whiscash elder would be a Milotic=). And the Keckleons wouldn't act liek crack-headed homos.

So have fun, post, and no flames or spam.



I would play it cool and keep things simple I guess.

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I'd be like...

"OMG I'M A SQUIRTLE! I'M A SQUIRTLE!!! *runs around with arms flailing*....... wait..... of all pokemon WHY a squirtle??? Why can't I be a Meowth??? WHAAAAH I'M A SLIMY BLUE TURTLE!!! I WANNA BE A MEOWTH INSTEAD!!! WHAAAH!!! TT___TT *runs around with arms flailing again*"
I would say. "I new these drugs were good BUT this is something else!" then fall asleep.


Freaking out would be my first priority when I transform