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Pocket Monsters (2023) Speculation Thread


Staff member
Great tusk is finally debuting, nice. But the Corocoro magazine doesn’t show the rest of the paradox anime artwork, right? I wonder if the Iron Hands and Valiant on the other leaked scan will debut or not. It will be interesting if the Future Paradoxes even appear at all….

I have no idea what you're even trying to say here. Great Tusk has not been confirmed to be debuting, there's not been any leaked scans of... anything, and Corocoro hasn't talked about Paradox Pokemon at all.
But future Paradoxes HAVE been confirmed. More or less.
I have no idea what you're even trying to say here. Great Tusk has not been confirmed to be debuting, there's not been any leaked scans of... anything, and Corocoro hasn't talked about Paradox Pokemon at all.
But future Paradoxes HAVE been confirmed. More or less.
Its this scan. Its real. Great tusk official anime art.



Well-Known Member
Great tusk is finally debuting, nice. But the Corocoro magazine doesn’t show the rest of the paradox anime artwork, right? I wonder if the Iron Hands and Valiant on the other leaked scan will debut or not. It will be interesting if the Future Paradoxes even appear at all….
I'm all for Great Tusk debuting, if it appears. Aside from this magazine, the upcoming episodes promo preview did showcase a few paradox pokemon, which includes Scream Tails.

If Great Tusk does debuts in the area zero plot, then my thoughts are if whether a member of the RVT will catch the pachyderm. Its unlikely, however I would assume, based on design, that Great Tusk along with Scream Tail are among the most popular paradox pokemon.

If a member of the Explorer's gets a paradox pokemon, then I guess its proper for a member of the RVT to acquire one as well.

I could imagine a scenario of Roy befriending a Great Tusk by giving it a berry, then for it to later return to help the RVT fend off Paradox Entei.

I hope Paradox Entei is another red-herring which leads to the reveal of a second regional Entei appearing to fight off its Paradox counterpart.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they only make artwork for Pokemon that appear in the anime, which is why Porygon2 and -Z have them.
i wonder...would the artwork of a Pokemon that appear/ feature in the outro or intro of the anime count as an appearance, even if the artwork doesn't appear or feature in the actual story. Seems debatable perhaps.

For example, some sources would count the appearance of Kubfu in the 2019 pokedex, as a debut in the anime's story, even though its art animation was never featured.


Staff member
What happened to January 31st. Did the Explorers wipe it from existence.

i wonder...would the artwork of a Pokemon that appear/ feature in the outro or intro of the anime count as an appearance, even if the artwork doesn't appear or feature in the actual story. Seems debatable perhaps.

For example, some sources would count the appearance of Kubfu in the 2019 pokedex, as a debut in the anime's story, even though its art animation was never featured.

They use the artwork for merchandise.

Also, they did use Kubfu’s art. When it was scanned on the Pokedex. The images that appear on the Pokedex is the same artwork they use everywhere else.


Staff member
I wonder if they'll repost the calendar with the date fixed. They've made such art corrections before.

I see a comment complaining about the use of "Terapagos" instead of "Pagogo" in the text too.


Well-Known Member
Although I don't think continuity was confirmed in the anime, but if it was indeed the same universe, maybe HZ takes place before Ash was born?

Queen Cynthia

Dignified Queen of Sinnoh
I wonder how the Anime will deal with Paradox Pokemon.
Will the Ancient Paradox ones be called the predecessors and the Future ones the successors of contemporary Pokemon? Will they be called relatives as Bulbapedia suggests? Or will they be treated as "unidentified creatures"?
Could be interesting.
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Staff member
I wonder how the Anime will deal with Paradox Pokemon.
Will the Ancient Paradox ones be called the predecessors and the Future ones the successors of contemporary Pokemon? Will they be called relatives as Bulbapedia suggests? Or will they be treated as "unidentified creatures"?
Could be interesting.

Yes, Briar mentions that "Area Zero has Pokémon in what's thought to be past and future forms".


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of the design for the futuristic Paradox Pokemon, as their roboticized appearance appear as a recycled idea from Sonic the Hedgehog.

The concept of robotic pokemon just seem like something a villainous organization would do in order to go against the pokemon's natural evolution to extract their full potential while keeping them obedient.

I even wonder why the ancient Paradox Pokemon couldn't just be classified as simply fossil pokemon, since their said to be prehistoric (ancient).

However, I like that the anime and franchise are trying new ideas.


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of the design for the futuristic Paradox Pokemon, as their roboticized appearance appear as a recycled idea from Sonic the Hedgehog.

The concept of robotic pokemon just seem like something a villainous organization would do in order to go against the pokemon's natural evolution to extract their full potential while keeping them obedient.

I even wonder why the ancient Paradox Pokemon couldn't just be classified as simply fossil pokemon, since their said to be prehistoric (ancient).

However, I like that the anime and franchise are trying new ideas.
I think you might be taking the the past thing too literally when the games heavily imply they just come the future / past of an alternative universe.

They entire thing about the Paradoxs is that they don’t make sense and you’re not supposed to question this
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