Great tusk is finally debuting, nice. But the Corocoro magazine doesn’t show the rest of the paradox anime artwork, right? I wonder if the Iron Hands and Valiant on the other leaked scan will debut or not. It will be interesting if the Future Paradoxes even appear at all….
I'm all for Great Tusk debuting, if it appears. Aside from this magazine, the upcoming episodes promo preview did showcase a few paradox pokemon, which includes Scream Tails.
If Great Tusk does debuts in the area zero plot, then my thoughts are if whether a member of the RVT will catch the pachyderm. Its unlikely, however I would assume, based on design, that Great Tusk along with Scream Tail are among the most popular paradox pokemon.
If a member of the Explorer's gets a paradox pokemon, then I guess its proper for a member of the RVT to acquire one as well.
I could imagine a scenario of Roy befriending a Great Tusk by giving it a berry, then for it to later return to help the RVT fend off Paradox Entei.
I hope Paradox Entei is another red-herring which leads to the reveal of a second regional Entei appearing to fight off its Paradox counterpart.