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Pocket Monsters (2023) Speculation Thread

I feel like the new arc has had a few dull episodes and some wasted potential, but overall it's been satisfactory. Excellent progression of the main cast for the most part, and a cool depiction of how they're growing more and more competent. My main complaint about this arc would be the Lucius backstory, which I personally found rushed and kinda disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Probably just me but I feel like Horizons just gets worse and worse.

Didn’t feel this way before, but it’s just very meh.
I hope the new arc killlllllllls it.
It is because it feels somewhat rushed. They just got Kleavor and now we are already at Entei and Rayquaza? They should have given more time in the middle, give the kids their third captures or at least one more development episode for their secondaries and THEN move to Entei.
I'm actually surprised the plot is progressing this quickly. I don't expect HZ to end until gen 10 debuts, so either:

a) they'll proceed with Rakua plot, and then do something like a League arc (just an example) to fill the gap until gen 10
b) there'll be some sort of plot twist to delay the resolution of the Rakua storyline until gen 10

I guess they could always do both, too.


"What the hell...?"
Unless there's another plot with Liko's ancestry, Rakua is the only thing she lives for.

Which is a good thing compared to being utterly aimless towards a very childish goal that not even yourself have a ********* clue.


Young Battle Trainer
I'm actually surprised the plot is progressing this quickly. I don't expect HZ to end until gen 10 debuts, so either:

a) they'll proceed with Rakua plot, and then do something like a League arc (just an example) to fill the gap until gen 10
b) there'll be some sort of plot twist to delay the resolution of the Rakua storyline until gen 10

I guess they could always do both, too.
They could also start a mini-anime to coincide with the 30th anniversary.


Well-Known Member
If the children acquire all Six of Lucious Pokemon during this arc and fully evolve their starter pokemon, then I'd be curious what Roy's next/new goal will become, since catching Rayquaza and fully evolving Fuecco was his primary goal since the start of this story.

I'd figure Roy's next goal would be to catch other rare pokemon like the Six Heroes, since his dream is to become a great adventurer such as Lucious, while hunting treasure. Perhaps this sort of goal would introduce the treasures of Ruin legendaries.

Then there's the possibility of an Ace Tournament/ Pokemon League arc where the children get to rematch gym leaders, members of the elite four and the top champions (Nemona and Geeta).

If a league or ace tournament arc is speculated to occur in the near future , then I expect for the children to catch additional pokemon as I highly doubt Liko and Roy will respectively use Terapagos or Rayquaza in a competitive tournament that requires a team of 3 pokemon. Though, I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Well there is the league that they mentioned multiple times. Besides the finale for this arc is Zygarde vs Rayquaza and terapagos along with the heroes. Who's to say thats going to end well.


Well-Known Member
Well there is the league that they mentioned multiple times. Besides the finale for this arc is Zygarde vs Rayquaza and terapagos along with the heroes. Who's to say thats going to end well.
Here's hoping the story follows through with a league or Ace Tournament arc.

Based on objectives, it seems apparent that Liko's primary goal for continuing the adventure is to reunite Terapagos and the Six Heroes to Rakua, while Roy's motive has been to catch Rayquaza and help his starter reach its full potential.

Based on the story's progression, its seems likely that Roy's goals may be fulfilled towards the end of the Rayquaza rising arc, while Liko may likely have fulfilled her goals, perhaps towards the next arc, if its focus on reaching Rakua. All of which may be accomplished near the end of 2025.

If the island of Rakua is not the next arc, then I'd assume the revelation toward the end of the Rayquaza rising arc, would perhaps focus on treasure hunting, in which the RVT are informed that in order to reach Rakua they must retrieve special artifacts, which may introduce the treasure of Ruin legendaries.

If the story were to continue after the RVT reaches Rakua, then my guess would be that the final arc would focus on a tournament arc, to showcase Liko, Roy and Dots growth from completing their adventure.

Based on the content the story has presented so far, there doesn't seem to be much of a reason for why the anime would need to continue the horizon story into 2026.


Well-Known Member
Based on the content the story has presented so far, there doesn't seem to be much of a reason for why the anime would need to continue the horizon story into 2026.
Even if it were true, I don't think anime creators would want a year-long break from airing. So I think there will be some additional content.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, there won't need to be a year long hiatus

In fact, Horizons will barely be able to finish this story before Gen 10's anime rolls around


Well-Known Member
Even if it were true, I don't think anime creators would want a year-long break from airing. So I think there will be some additional content.
Anything is possible. If a story like "One Piece" can go on for 20 plus years based on a pirate treasure hunting adventure, then I suppose horizon can do the same for an additional year, if needed.

My only concern is the quality of the story, if the series was well planned out, oppose to the amount of episodes needed to drag out the plot of the adventure.


Well-Known Member
Based on today's episode, it would seem that the story's teasing Roy getting Sandy Shocks, seeing how the pokemon took interest in Roy's music. Guess well know once the group leaves Area Zero.

If Roy catches Sandy Shocks, then I would assume his chances of catching Rayquaza this arc are looking slim.