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Poetic Puzzler!

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Oceanic Legend
PsiUmbreon approved, of course.

Poetic Puzzler!
Thi is the game which can test your creativity and end up with a somewhat weird result!

In the game, I shall post a line the the following posters must post a line which rhymes with the previous line and when no one can think of anymore rhymes (We'll know when that happens when no-one posts in a few days), someone can post a new line to rhyme with.

Everything you post MUST rhyme with the previous post.
Follow all the general rules of the forums.
Any spam or anything irrelevant will end up with the person who posted it banned from the game for a length of time, varying on the 'offense'.

Here's the starting line:

'This is the Poetic Puzzler game'.

Now let's play!



If you spam in this thread, you will get maimed! (wounded severely)


"And people should not have to be flamed"


"In Golden Sun, the Venus Djinn are Flint, Sap, Vine, Ground, Quartz, Granite and Bane"


"Some foods are made from grain"
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Oceanic Legend
"and soon {insert name} will be of fame!"
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