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Poetry Commotion! (331)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Poetry Commotion!

In Lavaridge, Ash & Co. meet up with Flannery, the recently appointed Gym Leader here. Ash challenges her but she cannot accept as the battlefield has been filled with holes. Ash, eager for his battle, volunteers to help, but Team Rocket arrive to try and steal Flannery's Torkoal...

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OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are so close to getting here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Flannery episodes are gonna be so damn good it's intimidating. Only thing is, Flannery's entrance is kinda embarrassing, but She's still cool. Both episodes come out on November 13th, right?


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Well you are a fan of hers...i see...

I like her too..she is cool...but i can't wait to hear what voice is to take in Flannery
I know what Her Japanese voice sounds like thanks to Toto. She sounds so cool! Hopefullt Her English voice isn't screwed up. Her Magu, Megu, and Torkoal are also cool, and so is Mura. I never expected him to have a Wingull.


Custom User Title
Yeah, this one's getting pretty close now, especially since KidsWB! started showing two new episodes a week now. I'm kinda interested to see how 4Kids handled this one, but at the same time I'm also afraid to see how much they messed it up. Oh well, despite how much 4Kids may have screwed up the music for the dub, it's still a good episode, so I'll be looking forward to it.
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Screwed up the music? Isn't the music the same as the Japanese version? And what's the English name for this episode?
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Factory Head Noland

Hasn't been dubbed...will PM you when it has been dubbed.
Cool! Thnx again! Why do I get the feeling that I will find out before you tell me? Oh well. It wouldn't be your fault. So many Flannery pics in the same place... *Dies*


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
I had liked it since we got to see Typolision...i wish Ash had a match with him...it would have been cool...
That was the first episode with a Typhlosion?

Factory Head Noland

No, Typhlosion was also seen in "Gonna Rule The School!" battling a Feraligatr in the Battle Class. I think it's Typhlosion's Pokedex debut in this episode (Although it was seen in "Raikou! Legend Of Thunder!").


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
umm..not sure..but it was the first for Hoenn...i do remember that Cyndiquil did of course...and QUILAVA...
Oh. Still so many pics... but no words. No movement. No nothing but Flannery in Her still, speechless poses. Even that is too intimidating! *Dies*


Izit cuz I is black?
I think Flannery will have a really naff voice. TORKOAL!!! I know he rules thanks to Ash's Torkoal. Can't wait.

Factory Head Noland

Naff means silly. I liked Flannery's voice, well actually I like Flannery....

Her Torkoal is so cool and it's Overheat attack is amazing!!
Yeah, Torkoal's cool. Much better than the one Ash has. It never cries (I think.)

Factory Head Noland

Ash's Torkoal is cool! It cries and it likes to swim, how individual is that??