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Point of View?

I'm modifying my fanfic to better fit serebii fanfic standards. A major question I have is which point of view to put it in, first person or third? I could definately form a stronger visual with a third person viewpoint. Also, my writing style usually does not include dialogue. Is dialogue absolutely vital to a good story? If so, how much should I include, a lot, or just a bit here and there?


Well-Known Member
If you are going to use third person, you also need to decide whether you want third person omniscient or third person limited. In the former the narrator has a complete view of everything and the focus can change easily between characters. In the latter the narrator can only see what the character being focused on can see, which is what I use in my fic.

As for dialogue, I don't think a fic needs it to be good. However it is a far more useful method of describing interactions between characters than plain description, and it is an important factor in conveying emotions. Unless you are an excellent writer, I would recommend putting at least some dialogue in.
Thanks, I'll add in a bit of dialogue then. I always use immersive over omniscient. An omniscient narrator gives away too much, and the story isn't as surprising or mysterious.