This face off is for Poison types. Where you vote for your favorite.
rules simalar to other face-offs:
1. You can post every half hour (30 min.)
2. Only one co-owner please
3. Heal by one only.
4. First pokemon to 15 wins. If there is a 10-vote diffrence that pokemon wins
5. Remember, vote for your Favorite.
Co-owner: Shining Alakazam
Winner's History:
Arbok VS Tentacool
Muk vs Swalot
Quilfish vs Gloom
Gangar vs Nidoqueen
Seviper Vs Crobat
Dustox Vs Gastly
Ariados VS Tentacruel
Weezing vs Ekans
Vileplume vs Haunter
next: Bellsprout vs Nidoran (F)
rules simalar to other face-offs:
1. You can post every half hour (30 min.)
2. Only one co-owner please
3. Heal by one only.
4. First pokemon to 15 wins. If there is a 10-vote diffrence that pokemon wins
5. Remember, vote for your Favorite.
Co-owner: Shining Alakazam
Winner's History:
Arbok VS Tentacool
Muk vs Swalot
Quilfish vs Gloom
Gangar vs Nidoqueen
Seviper Vs Crobat
Dustox Vs Gastly
Ariados VS Tentacruel
Weezing vs Ekans
Vileplume vs Haunter
next: Bellsprout vs Nidoran (F)
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