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Poison type Face-off

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This face off is for Poison types. Where you vote for your favorite.

rules simalar to other face-offs:
1. You can post every half hour (30 min.)
2. Only one co-owner please
3. Heal by one only.
4. First pokemon to 15 wins. If there is a 10-vote diffrence that pokemon wins
5. Remember, vote for your Favorite.

Co-owner: Shining Alakazam


Winner's History:
Arbok VS Tentacool
Muk vs Swalot
Quilfish vs Gloom
Gangar vs Nidoqueen
Seviper Vs Crobat
Dustox Vs Gastly
Ariados VS Tentacruel
Weezing vs Ekans
Vileplume vs Haunter
next: Bellsprout vs Nidoran (F)
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I can co-own.

And Arbok.

Sure. and i need to ask you something... should i put up a chart of which pokemon is going to vs which
Arbok vs Tentacool
Swalot vs Muk
Quilfish vs Gloom

Or should i just keep randomly picking towo pokemon?
i've seen it in other treads...


Celebi Clone
I vote Arbok

Not all face-offs are made radomly, some(like mine) have pre-determined match-ups that arent posted in the thread until it is their match. I have all my face-off draws stored in a word document


But Volteon has a list of matchups and bolds the winners...

Arbok: 4
Tenta8): 1


I dont do neither i only made i face-off and that is just putting all pokemon in a hurt face-off

can i co-own plz?

oh and i vote arbok

i said i only need one and i have one. sorry

*updated the main page
and i vote arbok again
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Blaziken rules!
I vote for Arbok.


Well-Known Member
I vote for Arbok.


Blaziken rules!
I vote again for Arbok.
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