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Pokémon Apples to Apples (v.4)

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Well-Known Member
*googles definition of ostentatious* ... oh ok. :p Gee I'm learning so many new words.

I'll play gogoat, since the leader of the herd is decided by a loud and showy display of clashing horns. xD


faerie dragon ghost
err... whimsicott? With all that showy fluff on it.


"Orange" Magical Girl
What do I do if I don't want to play a round? I don't want to discard anything but I don't wanna get queued either. This adjective justs stings me in an awful way.

Vaniluxe is Frivolous. It's just a damn ice cream.

Wrong my friend. They're icicles covered in snow.


Well-Known Member
What do I do if I don't want to play a round? I don't want to discard anything but I don't wanna get queued either. This adjective justs stings me in an awful way.

I'll only queue you if you don't play several games in a row


KungFu Zen Mode
What do I do if I don't want to play a round? I don't want to discard anything but I don't wanna get queued either. This adjective justs stings me in an awful way.

Wrong my friend. They're icicles covered in snow.

No it's an ice cream. :p don't make it look like a good Pokémon design Gen V is known for this kind of stuff xD


"Orange" Magical Girl
No it's an ice cream. :p don't make it look like a good Pokémon design Gen V is known for this kind of stuff xD

Are you sure?

Well I looked up frivolous again and noticed it can also mean carefree so I'll play Audino. It doesn't mind getting knocked out for Exp. It almost always smiles every time you hit it. It also doesn't mind helping those in need.


Well-Known Member
I play Pignite. Tepig evolved and the whole internet cried because we got another dang fire/fighting starter. xD


faerie dragon ghost
mothim--another useless butterfly/moth pokemon after generations of them, and just as useless in combat outside of aesthetic.
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