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Pokémon Australia Club V3

What state do you live in?

  • Victoria

    Votes: 68 28.6%
  • Queensland

    Votes: 42 17.6%
  • New South Wales

    Votes: 75 31.5%
  • Western Australia

    Votes: 20 8.4%
  • Southern Australia

    Votes: 19 8.0%
  • Tasmania

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • ACT

    Votes: 9 3.8%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
OMG awesome i hope it's the D/P release date :) dcrosses fingers

Most likely some new DS Lite colour or release titles for the DS Lite or the Wii. Highly unlikely that Diamond and Pearl will make a debut since I'm guessing the translations wouldn't be completed yet.


Saiyan-Human Warrior
Yeah, the club was reformed again!!!! I like it.... hello everyone!!! How are you ?

Well, I can get most of the event from Australia.... I can play Pokemon Ranger on this December in Australia.... I'm looking forward on it
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O hai you guysh !


God is a DJ
Hey guys! I'm back from a weekend of jetskiing.

I so can't wait to import my pearl because of the sheimi and darkrai glitch.

Oh Aaron you can also add that Wii games will be around the $109 mark to the news if you want.

Anything new guys?


Awaiting October.
I so can't wait to import my pearl because of the sheimi and darkrai glitch.

Oh Aaron you can also add that Wii games will be around the $109 mark to the news if you want.

okay Jose hope you had a great time :)
anyway whats this Darkeai glitch i mean what does it do??

and $109 are you sure OFG i hope this isn't true the only thing i used to convince my parents to get a Wii over the 360 is that the games wan't go higher then $100 but no...i hope this sin't true but's it's only $9 more..


Well-Known Member
Stores such as Dick Smith, Target and Myer usually release games at a 'lower' price when a new console comes out. Just keep an eye on those catalogs to find specials and bargains.


Saiyan-Human Warrior
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Well-Known Member
Heres Johnny!
F*ck sorry i'm late to rejoining. I've had a real challenging week and its 12:30 in the morning now so meh

The Darkrai glitch is a glitch in the jap game where u can go to Darkrai's island and catch him. Theres another one for Sheimi too. I can get video's if anyone wants them. I will probably have them on WiFi to trade with u guys as there is a good chance i'm importing a Pearl Version :).

I cant wait till ranger. Most people on the forum dont like it, I must be a nigel. For all you's wondering unlike Dungeon Ranger is kinda short and doesnt have much replay value but at least you'll be a pro at drawing circle's when your done XD.

Anyway i'm off to get more coke


The Leviathan
Hey guys! I'm back from a weekend of jetskiing.

I so can't wait to import my pearl because of the sheimi and darkrai glitch.

Oh Aaron you can also add that Wii games will be around the $109 mark to the news if you want.

Anything new guys?

WHAT!? Where did you get your info! The Wii games should not be over $100! Meh, not a big deal. I did hear PS3 games will be $120 easy, but the system itself will be %1500 to $2000 at first release anyway (The PS2 was $1000 before it's first price cut mere days after release).


Well-Known Member
Meh i wont be getting a wii but the game's look way expensive.
Some game developers said they will still sell games for $99 but others want the games to cost $109 to cover the costs of the extra work put in, I doubt I will buy any game for $109. All the details are at Aussie-Nintendo.com, oh and that Wii All Over Australia site looks very interesting... when will be be revealed?

I suggest everyone goes and sees the cool 4th gen Halloween banner at PokeBeach, it looks really cool.
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God is a DJ
Sony are also going to release a pink PS2 because of nintendo's release of a pink DS Lite.

I'm so happy! Tonight I'm going to order my pearl, i've just racked up all the money.
You are so lucky!
I know how you feel, I felt the same when I ordered my Jirachi and Deoxys movie from America. Are you gonna try the glitch? I wont when I get it unless I do it with the YouTube video.


God is a DJ
Yeah I'm going to try the Sheimi and Darkrai glitches and I'm going to do it while watching the YouTube vids :p
Yea thats what I would do cos it is safe, the last thing a person wants is to lose their saved data. You can be like our official D/P reporter XD.
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