i'm older that you aussiefan by a few years
pojo, if you're not going to avoid the filter, then just don't bother swearing. Your *************************** is really fucking annoying.
Blood_Of_Fire PWNS all
I feel dumberer
Just talking to him =/
This is what makes PAC fun
Immaturity at its best. Seriously guys, grow up. No, it's not cool to tell pre-puberscent kids to grow balls or whatever. No, it's not cool to wave around how much porn you watch. No, it's not cool to advertise your sexual habits. And kids, it's not cool trying to act hardcore by acting like you're the horniest adults around or attempting to bypass filters and swearing your asses off. As I recall Chris saying in some post in the Misc. section, stop trying to imitate Jay. It doesn't work. This is the Pokemon Australia Club. I admit I get carried away at times as well, but guys, instead of making our balls drop or whatever, let's do a smarter thing and grow up first.
i only left because i wanted all my infractions to expire....
THANK YOU now we can stop this rivalry
Unfortunately, the rest of the club is under 15, so that maturity thing went out the window.
Peace out peoples I'm off
Bye AussieFan!
And this will stay close because all this is getting to is flame central.I'm honestly sorry I even opened up this thread. I just got 7 reports from this place. :/ I have school soon and I don't have time to infract all of you who broke the rules, though I definitely will later.