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Pokémon Bank & Poké Transporter Thread [READ FIRST POST]

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General Nonsense

Star Glider
I expect in-game storage space to still be in the hundreds, probably still enough to hold the entire Nat. Dex.

If that's the case, I probably won't be getting Pokemon Bank.


Well-Known Member
I really hope that the existence of pokemon bank doesn't mean that there isn't much storage space ingame.


Very very concerned with this.

Also, I will admit to having hacks of Mew and deoxys from RSE. Not hacked to make better but simply to have when you couldn't get them (I know, bad :() How is the bank going to know their hacks if the moveset stats and abilities are normal?

And If it does, do you think they'll release wifi events of these pokemon for people to reobtain them?


Reckless Trainer


It's not worth the money to me. The only use I have for this system is to transfer. It's not like I breed a lot or anything, the PC boxes within the game are fine for my needs. I'll just transfer my Pokemon from White 2 during the free trial and be done with it.

I like the way you think!
I'll be just doing the same; I plan on giving away my Black 2 copy in the end. XD

This is a good idea though rather than requiring 2 systems, or trading.
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I can see Anonymous hacking this thing...and all your pokémon will be lost :eek:

Will there be a pokéTransfer app without the bank?


Digital King
"Pokémon Bank, and with it Poké Transporter, for sale in Japan on December 25th for 500¥ a year with a trial until January 31st where you have to pay afterwards."
...you have to pay to transfer then?


Queen of Charizards!
I wonder if we can use a free trial more than once and not only have it as a one time thing. Maybe not because people would be abusing it. If we do get a free trial I hope its like a one month trial that way we have enough time to transfer and be done with it


Well-Known Member
I expect in-game storage space to still be in the hundreds, probably still enough to hold the entire Nat. Dex.

While it is worrying, I expect this too. Otherwise they would be purposefully detracting from the game to force people to buy something else. I know it's a tiny amount but that would be a scummy way to go about it. Honestly I think the main draw of Bank is it's ability to transfer and not the storage space, I don't think as many people would buy it just to have a mammoth amount of boxes.


Misty <3
Monster guy:
Wow! I will do the same too, thank you for making it easier for me, I find it redicilious to pay just to transfer my pokemon when we used to do that for free.


Well-Known Member
Monster guy:
Wow! I will do the same too, thank you for making it easier for me, I find it ridiculous to pay just to transfer my pokemon when we used to do that for free.

Cheaper than buying a second console. Buy a new console or have a service like this for 30+ years for the same amount...


Well-Known Member
I don't really mind the fee as long as they don't do the scummy thing and give you a paltry amount of space in game for pokemon. Though I personally don't like that you have to wait until two months from release to transfer your pokemon.


Ban this Trainer
The pretty fair low price aside, the fact that I have to pay for something that was previously free for me seems pretty BS. Sure, now this isn't that big a deal but think of the Xbox One. How far until GF/Nintendo/whoeverthoughtthiswasabrilliantidea realize they can extort even more money from us for little things that should, and probably can, be free?

The selling point question is, is this only to transfer pokemon from black and white or can I use platinum heartgold etc?


Nothing lasts forever. The moment X and Y become outdated, there's only a couple of years left on those servers before they're shut down or wiped for the new games. Everyone's data will be lost. Pretty **** move if you ask me.


A small fee of roughly £5 a year to store my Pokemon safe and ensure quick trading. Delighted with that.

When you consider the Xbox and PS prices for DLC, it's an absolute steal.


Well-Known Member
Nothing lasts forever. The moment X and Y become outdated, there's only a couple of years left on those servers before they're shut down or wiped for the new games. Everyone's data will be lost. Pretty **** move if you ask me.

It's already guaranteed to be compatible with future titles.

Sara Hysaro

Well-Known Member
Hm, I don't think I trust this enough to store my Pokémon on it for a long period of time. Still, it's great that it's an option. It'd be nice if there was a free way to transfer after the free trial is over, but even if there isn't $5 for more than enough time to bring literally all of your Pokémon up to the 6th gen is practically nothing. I could see myself not using the feature for a while after the free trial, and then dropping the $5 later on to mass transport all the new teams I acquired in replaying the previous gens. :)
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