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Pokémon Collage (Desktop background)


Bikdip On A Bus
Pokémon Collage (Desktop background)


This picture contains all 493 Pokemon crammed together for your enjoyment. It was originally going to be 800x600 pixels in size so it could work as a background for people with that resolution, but there's no way to fit them all in that space without some serious overlap. So instead, this one works for 1024x768 resolutions. Keep the white on the top and bottom, and choose "Center" to make it look the best and keep its pixel integrity. It allows room for the taskbar as well.

This picture also doubles as a nice "Where's Waldo" sort of thing. Try and find your favorite Pokémon in the picture.



Jirachi Master
I found Sheimi. It is below Mudkip(near the top).


Bikdip On A Bus
What, did you expect me to draw every one of them? That would take months. This is something I whipped up in my free time in Computer Art class. And despite it being just copy and paste work, it took a LOT of time. I had to randomize them and arrange them so no faces were obscured. It actually took a pretty long time to make.

Whatever, I'm not trying to claim it's a masterpiece or anything. Just something that would make a cool wallpaper.


Jirachi Master
And it would make a wonderful wallpaper indeed.


Sennen Goroshi! XD
Very original >>

Well, it just a copy paste job, nothing special.I do likethe way it looks. However, there are a few white spaces. Makes it look weird.

Lats note, I better find a charmeleon or there'll trouble >:3


reshiram ftw
Very original >>

Well, it just a copy paste job, nothing special.I do likethe way it looks. However, there are a few white spaces. Makes it look weird.

Lats note, I better find a charmeleon or there'll trouble >:3

towards the top/left by mew adn wailord

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member

and that sounds so bad.

Anyways while this might have taken EXTREME TIME and effort to make, there really is nothing flashy. I mean if there was something in there to find, not just your fave pokemon ... that and the fact this is FAN ART not FAN SPRITES :/

Anyways there's nothing really special or anything that can really be said about it. Maybe slightly original or slightly new .. maybe. But nothing flashy really. Nothing eye catching.

Nothing fan art as it's fan sprites >>'
Like Kitsune Kat said, very original.
I thought some sprites were missing from pe2k.com, am I right? I mean from the DP sprites, like the Nido sprites


-- Fear Dawn &&
Oh no! Where's Manmuu? ;; Don't make me cry!

Edit: There he is! You scared me there. xD

Good job. :)
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Bikdip On A Bus
Where would I find that one? I'd like to see it.

And for those bashing the picture, please cool it. I'm not trying to claim that this is majorly creative or artistic or anything like that. I just put it in the Fan Art section because that's where it best belongs. I was going to put it in General Pokemon Discussion, but they'd say it belongs here.

And on a completely unrelated note, Gily, I think I sort of know you from GameFAQs. I recognize that link in your sig.


Ooh, maaaan!
Oh joys! I found my sweetie Banette.

But man, for what this lacks in artistic skill I still gotta give it a thumbs up. You say it took a lot of time, I believe it took a LOT of time. Man, I gotta compliment you on your patience man, I would've put down about fifteen Pokes and gotten dead tired of the whole thing.


Tails the Bouyzel
Still can't find Gabaito, Pochama, and treecko...
But, Interesting... Very nice... I like it!