Pokémon Collage (Desktop background)
This picture contains all 493 Pokemon crammed together for your enjoyment. It was originally going to be 800x600 pixels in size so it could work as a background for people with that resolution, but there's no way to fit them all in that space without some serious overlap. So instead, this one works for 1024x768 resolutions. Keep the white on the top and bottom, and choose "Center" to make it look the best and keep its pixel integrity. It allows room for the taskbar as well.
This picture also doubles as a nice "Where's Waldo" sort of thing. Try and find your favorite Pokémon in the picture.
This picture contains all 493 Pokemon crammed together for your enjoyment. It was originally going to be 800x600 pixels in size so it could work as a background for people with that resolution, but there's no way to fit them all in that space without some serious overlap. So instead, this one works for 1024x768 resolutions. Keep the white on the top and bottom, and choose "Center" to make it look the best and keep its pixel integrity. It allows room for the taskbar as well.
This picture also doubles as a nice "Where's Waldo" sort of thing. Try and find your favorite Pokémon in the picture.