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Pokémon games in the far(ish) future

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Superluminal Porygon
Pokémon games in the far(ish) future

Well, I saw a thread about when Pokémon will end, and I thought "what if it doesn't"? Futurologists have predicted virtual reality systems which input directly to the brain. With advances in computing technology, they could invent a cross-breeding algorithm, which could potentially give Pokémon infinite boundaries with regards to numbers. You can post anything you like but here are a few ideas:-
  • If cross breeding becomes a possibility with the advances of technology, would you consider it a workable idea for Pokémon?
  • Would it work well with complicated VR systems like mentioned above?
  • Just how many Pokémon should there be?
  • Should the "collect them all" idea be scrapped, and replaced with something like crossbreeding, giving you the ability to create a perfect Pokémon for yourself?
  • Should the classic RPG idea be dropped, and replaced with something more like the anime, when it becomes possible to do so well?
I might post a few more ideas, but right now its half ten and I'm tired ;) so discuss away!

Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
Poke'mon games in the future? WTF!! THEY WILL BE REAL INDA FUTURE. Japanese Scientist will do stem-cell crossbreeding and unleash them to da wild!!!

Naw, really I think that Gamefreak will have Pokemon Online adventures or something for another Handheld or a Nintendo system beyond the Rev.
Well, it's now possible to modify the genes of humans and even graft on horns/tails etc. to them... so what's so strange about a real Pokémon, say..., 1000 years from now?


Eeveeboy_geoff said:
Well, it's now possible to modify the genes of humans and even graft on horns/tails etc. to them... so what's so strange about a real Pokémon, say..., 1000 years from now?
That's just what I was gonna say...it seems possible that there could be a real pokemon in the furture. Who knows really?....


I second that notion, but I also question willingly whether it will matter enough by that time to really be worth it to Nintendo to do such a thing.


Yeah, and there's risks, too. Here's a story about what could happen!


(Cut to city.)

All is peaceful. All the lights then go out, the towns emergency siren...it's..

"A PLANE! Superman!"

"No, it's ZAAAPDOS!!!"

Suddenly, using all the electricity from the town, it destroys the town, taking everything electric from the ruins.


Okay, you can all return from the edge of your seats.

See what could happen?
I think that people would never be serious enough to create a Pokemon in real life as it is going to cost soooo much and it would be a waste of time. i like the idea of cross-breading though.


A pokemon in real life? Plausible. But think about this; it would be a real life animal, with feelings and stuff. Animal right groups will complain about pokemon battles and such. Releasing pokemon into the wild could be devastating (Moltres flies off and starts burning down cities)


Superluminal Porygon
I didn't mean THAT far in the future :) but I admit it could be plausible. If people have the ability to create real life Pokémon, and are that way inclined, then they would be able to genetically engineer Pokémon to not hurt people. But with VR systems like I mentioned, would it be necessary? They could input to all five senses with perfect realism, and you wouldn't have all those animal rights issues that Floored mentioned.

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
The idea of real pokemon has some possibilities, but it can never be as we know it on the game. In the game, they have thoughts and emotions similar to humans and don't rely on instinct like most animals today, not to mention being kept in pokeballs!
If pokemon were real (genetically engineered) they would have no special moves as such (infinate water supply squirtle!) and would be just another animal to screw up the existing food chains even more than they are today (with decreasing biodiversity).
Let evolution do it itself if you want, but genetically engineering them, we would have to keep them away from the origional species of the earth!

Answering the origional question (!) I would like to see a pokemon game were you physically control pokemon without a turn based battle system. Like, you choose you 'mon and control it similar to a platformer.

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
there are big issues with making real pokemon. with genetic engineering, you have to get the recipient organisms DNA to accept the particular gene your trying to inject. if its too foriegn or if it simply doesnt go through, no change will occur. plus it only works with individual genes, which means that only small things can be changed (such as making a fish glow with a firefly gene). they wouldnt be able to engineer something as extreme as a drastically new species, whether you use engineering or breeding. plus pokemon have abilities that NO living organism could plausibly have. even if they did eventually evolve those ideas (but it couldnt work outside of theory), humans would probably be extinct by the time it happens because it would require an extreme shift in the requirements to survive. we couldnt use genetic engineering to change their dispositions, and domestication takes many years. plus species with the implied intelligence of pokemon cant be domesticated. im sorry, but the sheer changes it would take to let pokemon exist would throw off the laws of living things (sorry if im coming across as ruining the fun)


Nothing to be done
Even if they somehow managed to make real Pokemon, you guys realise that they would have to be released into a totally isolated community or else they'd throw off the world's eco-system.


As long as they remember where it all started, I don't care. I mean look at the anime, that's just out there to get money. :p

I just want them to keep the nostalgia! T_T

Imagine how crazy the graphics will be in 50 years time? I liked it when Gameboys were almost as heavy as a Gamecube, with no colour, and all green. T___T
Atomic Boo said:
If pokemon were real (genetically engineered) they would have no special moves as such (infinate water supply squirtle!) and would be just another animal to screw up the existing food chains even more than they are today (with decreasing biodiversity).

Infinite water supply? Noo... Squirtle and other water types simply have a biological hydrogen fuel cell. It converts oxygen and hydrogen in the air to water and uses the energy to fire the attack.


Well-Known Member
I really dont want real pokemon, 1st personalities+abilities=1 dead trainer, contest would be ok I guess, but not battling, I would more want a MMORG VA game or just a VA game, that would be more enjoyable, any way, whos to say since we kill most animals, whose to say the wont evolve then massivly change due to specific radiation(Growlithe here I come boy)


Uber Leader
real pokemon? lol! that would be cool. but they wouldn't be catchable since you can't put living creatures in a pokéball. maybe you could keep smaller pokémon as pets, but that's it. they also wouldn't have the abilities, stats, types and moves they have in the game and they wouldn't be healed in 5 seconds in a pokemon center or something. and they also wouldn't evolve.
I always thought about what the world would be like if pokemon were real, and thought it would be super-cool, but as many people said: they would probably be very difficult and very expensive to create, devastating to the ecosystem, dangerous to humans, used for war, near impossible to manage, etc. - in general, a bad idea

then someone made a brilliant suggestion

Psychic Wynaut said:
I didn't mean THAT far in the future :) but I admit it could be plausible. If people have the ability to create real life Pokémon, and are that way inclined, then they would be able to genetically engineer Pokémon to not hurt people. But with VR systems like I mentioned, would it be necessary? They could input to all five senses with perfect realism, and you wouldn't have all those animal rights issues that Floored mentioned.

taking this a little further, imagine: an online virtual reality POKEMON WORLD
it would be almost exactly like the pokemon games come to life, with absolutely none of the downsides. You could do everything you'd ever imagined doing with pokemon: battling, contests, pets, adventures.
Best of all, although it would be a massive and expensive project with ridiculously complex components (the pokemon, with all their stats and personnalities, the virtual towns, landscapes, etc), it is a very plausible idea possible, nay, likely in the NEAR FUTURE (about a decade or two)

It would actually be possible...for pokemon to come to life (virtually)...
OMG I want to be a video game designer now and make that
PiatbrO said:
real pokemon? lol! that would be cool. but they wouldn't be catchable since you can't put living creatures in a pokéball. maybe you could keep smaller pokémon as pets, but that's it. they also wouldn't have the abilities, stats, types and moves they have in the game and they wouldn't be healed in 5 seconds in a pokemon center or something. and they also wouldn't evolve.

...I said a thousand years. If technology advances as fast as it is now, I doubt any of those things (except the stats) will be a problem.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Vr is comeing soon, and it would be cool if Pokemon were to be VR and the battles were like on the tv show like if I say dodge the Pokemon dodges(except stats lvl and type would be put into account). Also it would be cool if Pokemon were VR then it would be cool if it were kinda like .hack where you could see other people around the world and battle them Virtually.

ampharos ewe

Atomic Boo said:
The idea of real pokemon has some possibilities, but it can never be as we know it on the game. In the game, they have thoughts and emotions similar to humans and don't rely on instinct like most animals today, not to mention being kept in pokeballs!
If pokemon were real (genetically engineered) they would have no special moves as such (infinate water supply squirtle!) and would be just another animal to screw up the existing food chains even more than they are today (with decreasing biodiversity).
Let evolution do it itself if you want, but genetically engineering them, we would have to keep them away from the origional species of the earth!

Amen...Creating Pokemon for real is impossible in the sense of creating them exactly as they are in the game. Many of the types, body shapes, and attacks defy the known laws of physics. And if they were to become real, they would also become mundane and common knowledge. I think it's more fun when they are imaginary.

As for the original question I think there should be no cap on the possible number of Pokemon! One of the things fans look forward to the most with new games is new Pokemon. Myself included.
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