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Pokémon Happiness


Well-Known Member
Pokémon Happiness

i forgot what the max happiness is, and how much its raised by lvl/vitamins
could someone tell me ^^?


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know how it's raised by levels, but I can tell you that when you give an item to a pokemon outside battle, if the pokemon get close to the screen, that means that he like you. And if the pokemon desn't move at all, that means he's not very happy.


Well-Known Member
Kite: i know that but im more interested in HOW to make it move closer :p
Justin: i tried the mechanics page and all i found was an Umbreon/Espeon guide that doesnt tell what max is and what ups it..(else i overlooked one :S)
Whompithian: thx i think thats the same for FR/LG ill go with it :D

Thx for ur answers