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Pokémon-ify a Movie or TV Show Title

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Canada Connoisseur
A simple game: just replace some words in a movie or TV show title with the names of Pokémon, or place names in the Pokémon world! Here's some examples:

  • Who Framed Roger Raboot? (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
  • Totodile Dundee (Crocodile Dundee)
  • Dances with Lycanroc (Dances with Wolves)
  • The Delphox and the Houndoom (The Fox and the Hound)
  • Ekans on a Plane (Snakes on a Plane)
  • Escape from Castelia City (Escape from New York)
  • The Kalosian Connection (The French Connection)
  • Black Swanna (Black Swan)
  • An Alolan Lycanroc in Wyndon (An American Werewolf in London)
  • Alola Five-O (Hawaii Five-O)
  • The Murkrow (The Crow)
  • Zubatman (Batman)


Canada Connoisseur


On a quest to be the best...
Gone With the Whirlwind (Gone With The Wind)
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