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Pokémon Masters Discussion Thread

Ok, I really want to know why Dena is preferring Scarlet over Violet. We don’t yet have a PR from them on the reason why, but I think it is unfair that Violet is being ignored in this Gacha game’s final legs, and it is too uncertain we will get Violet content given how unpredictable this game is. Will there be an option to change Florian Juliana Nemona Arven and Clavell’s outfits to UVA beyond their EX outfits? Or will they be separate scoutable units that come from another universe? And how will Sada and Turo come back from the dead?


"What the hell...?"
I just want to know how they'll incorporate Miraidon.


Training Anaylst
Ok, I really want to know why Dena is preferring Scarlet over Violet. We don’t yet have a PR from them on the reason why, but I think it is unfair that Violet is being ignored in this Gacha game’s final legs, and it is too uncertain we will get Violet content given how unpredictable this game is. Will there be an option to change Florian Juliana Nemona Arven and Clavell’s outfits to UVA beyond their EX outfits? Or will they be separate scoutable units that come from another universe? And how will Sada and Turo come back from the dead?
Gen 9 you kind of have to pick a version if you're going to use the characters since certain events and characters need to have a base to draw from and they probably went with Scarlet as it's the initial version. Gen 5 has a similar case as N's dragon is very important to him so you can't ignore which one he got first, and they went with Black and his initial dragon being Zekrom for that base.

Violet will definitely get content as there's no way they're ignoring Pokemon like Miraidon, but more than likely content from it will just be handwaved with an offhand comment (like Reshiram) or Hoopa shenanigans (like the Tapus).


Well-Known Member
I don't really think the lack of Violet uniform indicates a lack of Violet content. They almost certainly will include Turo, Miraidon and the violet paradox Pokemon.

Will there be an option to change Florian Juliana Nemona Arven and Clavell’s outfits to UVA beyond their EX outfits? Or will they be separate scoutable units that come from another universe? And how will Sada and Turo come back from the dead?
Yeah there almost certainly will not let you change between the scarlet and violet uniforms. If the other outfits appear, they will be different units (maybe variety scouts?) and going by precedence it will be an outfit switch. They don't do two versions of one character roaming around Pasio at the same time. Both the RR and FRLG version of Giovanni are the same guy with different outfits.

Sada and Turo can be from alternate universes, be pulled to Pasio just before their deaths or potentially even the AIs and most probably whatever explanation they use, it will not matter beyond their introduction event anyway.


Well-Known Member
I do think they'll go the "people from other dimension" route this time, unless they somehow reveal that the academy likes changing colors.
That is assuming they'll address it at all. It'll just be a new outfit with no explanation or they might not add them. I don't see them having two Nemonas and Arvens running around Pasio.


The free ticket thing gave me Calem. Not bad.

Then with 3 multis, I got Calem to 2/5 as well as Hilbert (2/5) and Hilda.

Getting the 3 within 3 tiers + 3 multis was not a bad outcome (could've been worse given it's a triple feature banner). I'm satisfied


Well-Known Member
Had to unfortunately pity Adaman and then got another Leafeon with Hilda from the free ticket. Also pulled Chuck on the Adaman banner.

That's me done with the pulls for the month.


"What the hell...?"
Got Calem and Glaceon from the freebie! Not bothering to get anyone else past doing an occasional daily. I want to be on the safe side by getting 50k gems for whenever they suddenly decide to go "it's Arc Suit time."


Managed to get Sina with a daily. That was unexpected but nice anyway.

Even if I'm done with their event already lol


"What the hell...?"
Remember, today, we all got a second ticket for the Eevee banner as the one from the bingo card.

EDIT: Which is why I got my first Lucas and Flareon!
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For me, the second ticket gave a second Selene. Not bad, to be honest. I have them all anyway.


Training Anaylst
I got two Lyras from the tickets, she was the only one I had going into this. Why DeNA?


Well-Known Member
Why does this game keep giving me Kalos upgrades on the rally? I got it last week as well and I'm pretty sure I also got it last month. It is possibly the single worst upgrade I can get and always hurts my score. Why can't I ever get Unova or Johto?

Hoping Shauna and Trevor are the next DC pairs so I have some more field/sprint Kalos units to throw at this stupid game mode and can continue to avoid wasting resources on Kalos.


"What the hell...?"
December Datamine Time!

Lodge Pair:
Arven & Nacli

Arc Suit Leon & Charizard

Christmas Sync Pairs:
Lillie & Shiny Primarina
Bugsy (lol) & Kricketune

Variety Sync Pairs:
Hop & Rillaboom
Marnie & Cinderace
Bede & Inteleon
...Pretty bizarre timeline with 2 out of 3.


Well-Known Member
Was prepared to skip the month and they hit me with a freaking Bugsy alt. Time to replace Aaron on the bug team. Base Bugsy, Shauntal and Roxie were the three strike units that I kept using despite having better alternatives because I didn't expect them to ever get alts and now all three of them do. It's wild. Falkner next!

SS Leaf getting the Support EX role is perfect. Arven in lodge is great too for my Paldea roster. More Cheren is always welcome but he had Purrloin in lodge so I wish they had gone with a different Pokemon for DC.

Don't care about anything else this month.
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Lovely datamine as it's pretty much a skip month for me.

Xmas Lillie is tempting duo her kit and utility for DC. She sounds pretty much a good replacement for Melony as a Sing Spammer. Also, as an alternative to NC Rosa too since the B-move use will be completly optional (even if it does offer some value)

But not going to lie, I was kind of dissapointed with Chase's Superawakening. I'll still go all the way with him duo bias but I was expecting something a lot better. Heck, maybe Rebuff or stuff like further sync acelleration since they made him have a character trait about liking to run and stuff.

It's kind of hilarious (and sad) Redlax offers more sync acceleration than him. Anyway, his buff was impressive so he is definetely getting it after Chase

Worst Champion Leon (Arc Suit Ver.) and Variety Galar Rivals are whatever though